Article for Women Issues

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What to wear
what to wear? Are you at a loss when it comes to dressing for holiday get-togethers? Do not despair; many people share your concern. However
there are a few guidelines you can keep in mind when preparing to attend a holiday party.

Know where you are going
This is a big one. Simply having an idea where you are going and how others will be dressed will save a lot of time and a major headache. If you are going to an office Christmas party
business casual will probably be the best choice. However
if you are just going to your sister's house
you may be able to tone it down. If you are unsure
ask someone what the dress code will be. Keep in mind that "casual" means different things to different people. When you are told "casual" in a business setting
you should dress business casual
no jeans. Likewise
may mean black tie or simply a jacket and tie; be sure to clarify if you are unsure.

Stay away from clothes that are too sexy
Especially in a business setting
you do not want to show up in revealing clothes. It is not professional and will probably reflect poorly on you. This should also be the practice if you are attending your spouse's office party. If you are going out with your spouse for a night on the town
sexy clothes are more appropriate. There is a thin line between attractive and sleazy; be sure not to cross that line and embarrass yourself.

Keep it simple
The simpler you can keep your attire
the better. Nine times out of ten
you will be better off in a simple black dress than trying to coordinate slacks
a blouse
and three other layers of clothes. Make it easy on yourself when possible.

Too many sparkles
Many women will use the holiday season to wear a lot of sparkles and shiny clothes. This is fine in moderation; however
if you look like you have been wrapped in tinsel
you should probably go with something else.

Nothing can be as flattering as the right accessories. However
when used the wrong way
they can destroy a good thing. When you are choosing your jewelry
stay with subtle beauty -- nothing huge or gaudy. While some people can pull off Santa Claus earrings
most of us can not. Especially the more formal a party
the more conservative the jewelry should be.

When it comes to your face
you should also keep it delicate. Certain occasions will dictate red lipstick and more drastic makeup; however
you should be careful not to over-do it. Dark blush or rouge almost never looks good.
read more “Holiday Fashion -- Know It Or Santa Might Not Be The Only One Red-Faced”

Established in 1979
American Women's Services is proud to lead the way in setting a standard for women’s healthcare. We are fully committed to providing proficient
excellent women's reproductive health services in a professional
and compassionate manner. AWS has locations in New Jersey
and Virginia Beach. We are able to provide the best care because of the extensive knowledge and experience that our doctors
health care teams and administration bring to their work. Our services are provided in private office settings to assure confidentiality and individual support for each woman.

Our services include:
• Abortion Services
• Gynecological Services
• Emergency Contraception
• STD and HIV Testing

We provide current and safe abortion services and specialize in non-surgical and surgical abortion. We also have full range of gynecology services including emergency contraception
prescriptions for contraception
diaphragm fittings
IUD/IUS placement
and tubal occlusion. American Women’s Services is an expert
service-oriented women's healthcare organization that respects women’s health care choices.

Our AWS physicians are experienced healthcare providers who are devoted to providing quality reproductive health care services for women. Our health care teams work in collaboration with the doctors in each office to ensure that every woman receives the information and counseling necessary to make important reproductive health care decisions. We strive to make every patient’s experience as personalized and smooth as possible.

For more information on our services or to schedule an appointment
please call us toll-free
at 1-888-ABORTION
hours a day to speak with one of our professionals who can answer your questions and make an appointment for you.
read more “High Quality Women s Reproductive Health Services”

The companies selling Lysine supplements have done a great job in getting people to buy a substance that has little value in managing a chronic herpes infection. Lysine has never been shown conclusively in clinical studies to be an effective long term treatment for herpes and in the short term it has never been shown to be more effective than a garlic supplement. Long term use of lysine supplements suppress the arginine levels in your body to a point where it begins to impair your immune system because your immune system does actually need a certain amount of arginine to function properly.

Like all things in your body
balance is the key. Your immune system depends on a good balance between lysine and arginine and the best way to achieve this is to get your lysine through your diet the way your body was designed to instead of through a pill. Eat the foods high in lysine
avoid the foods high in arginine. Simple.

You cannot manage herpes just by popping a pill whether it comes from a drug company or a "natural health" company. This isn't "the valley of the dolls" you actually can get through life without being dependent on pills.

Real management of herpes means strenthening your immune system so that it can keep the virus in check which is what your body is designed to do. You can accomplish this through taking real herbal medicine from an herbalist or by making it yourself.

Real management of herpes also means making the effort to eat an appropriate diet
stress management
and working on your emotional and mental relationship with the disease.

It does take more work to take care of your body naturally than it does to pop a pill. I for one think your body's worth it. I think your life's worth it. Some would disagree
but at least I've made the point.

Christopher Scipio
Holistic Viral Specialist
read more “Herpes And The Lysine Lie”

Here comes the sun,
the Beatles chorused. And as children most of us heeded the call enjoying long lazy days in the sun
laughing and cherishing time with friends. As we grew older
we were told the sun’s rays were destructive; the ozone layer was near depletion. Soon many asked: “Why leave the house in the first place?”

Is it any wonder researchers are finding us vitamin D deficient (Ref. Harvard Health Letter 2006)? To understand why this is significant it is first important to inquire: What exactly does Vitamin D do? Yes
Vitamin D is necessary for strong bones and teeth
but what most don’t know is it is key in reducing the risk of many types of cancer including breast
prostate and ovarian (Ref. The American Journal Of Public Health).

Studies now conclude that 15 minutes in diffused sunlight can set off the metabolic process in skin which creates vitamin D. Yet before tanning yourself beyond recognition: use your head. This is not permission to stay in the sun for long periods as its aging qualities are still applicable. Limit yourself to 15 minutes and choose parts of the day when you are not in direct sunlight. You know
even on a cloudy day you are absorbing the suns rays and it can also penetrate through clothing. Therefore
if you do choose to increase your exposure; use common sense.

If the sun or outdoor activities are not for you
there are other options to stock up on vitamin D as well. Salmon is rich with vitamin D
for example
as is milk. Or you could opt for cod-fish based supplements with vitamin D added. These additions to your diet are well worth your time and research. As always
do your homework and consult with your healthcare provider to choose a vitamin D option for you. Perhaps a healthy dose of fun in the sun will be just what the doctor ordered.
read more “Here Comes The Sun And I Say It s Alright”

Miscarriages could happen due to a plethora of reasons. Some of the most common causes are -

- Multiple pregnancies
- Increasing age. With increasing age the percentage of miscarriages also increase. As per statistics
for women who are less than 35 years miscarriages happen at a rate of 6.4%
between 35-40 it is 14.7% and over 40 it is 23.1%.
- Uncontrolled diabetes
- Affected by a soft tissue disease known as Scleroderma
- Fever over 100 degree F
- Smoking increases the risk by nearly 30-50%
- Earlier use of contraceptive pills could also be a reason.
- Women who conceive with IVF treatment
as in case of hormonal imbalance
- Abnormalities of the uterus

Preventive Measures

Some home remedies suggested to prevent miscarriages are

Drink raspberry leaf tea with a little Composition Powder. This helps to alleviate after pains of childbirth
uterine hemorrhage
and miscarriage.

True Unicorn Root is a very important tonic for women. It is very useful in healing female reproductive organs. It works pretty well for women who have a history of miscarriages due to chronic weakness. It can be used for the entire period of pregnancy as it has simulative properties. It is valuable for treating sterility and impotency problems.

You can drink one cup of false unicorn every half hour to prevent miscarriage.

You can have Squaw Tea
which prevents miscarriages and strengthens the uterus.

Boil 2 oz. wild yam and 1 oz. coltsfoot in 1 1/2 quarts of water for 20 minutes. Take 1 tsp for 1 every cup and have it 3-4 times a day.

Another recipe is take 1 part Black haw
parts false Unicorn root and 1 part Lobelia. Boil 3 oz herb in 1 1/2 quarts of water for 20 minutes. Drink 1 tablespoon with water at least 3-4 times daily.

False unicorn and Lobelia helps in the nurturing the reproductive system by supplying hormone building nutrients that helps in holding the pregnancy.

Avoid these herbs as they can poisonous and can induce abortion or miscarriages. Black cohosh
Blue cohosh
Celery root
Slippery elm douche
Western red cedar
Cotton root bark
Sweet flag
Golden seal
Juniper berries
Oil of sassafras
Bracken fern
Golden ragwort and Mugwort.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
read more “Herbal Remedies To Prevent Miscarriages”

These herbal breast enhancement pills are very quickly becoming the most talked about method of breast enlargement. The most popular alternative method to surgical breast enlargement is breast enhancement pills (also known as bust pills). If you have seriously tried all the other methods such as breast enlargement pills
then maybe this method. Research the ingredients in any breast enlargement pills you are considering. You will want to know the ingredients of any breast enlargement pills so you can research it for safety. As with any supplement
you should research and talk to others who have used a breast enlargement pills.

With a breast enlargement pills
you can stop taking it when you reach your desired size. Discover if breast enlargement pills can increase your bust size
or if herbal breast enhancement is the right alternative to cosmetic surgery. Search the internet for breast enlargement and you will find many sites that sell a breast enlargement pills. A quick Internet search on "breast enlargement" comes up with thousands of products
including creams
exercise devices
and hypnosis tapes. Information about breast enlargement pills
pumps etc.

This category generally includes pain killers
weight loss solutions
penis enlargement pills
breast enlargement pills
cancer and AIDS cures
etc. Most breast enlargement pills are merely vitamins and herbs
which do little more than give your body nutrients. Most breast enlargement pills contain phytoestrogens which are naturally occurring non-hormonal plant estrogens which stimulate female body to produce new breast tissue growth. Product reviewed range from natural breast enlargement and enhancement pills and products to acne & rosacea remedies.

Pueraria Mirifica Pills KWAOTIP THAI FDA. G. 187/42

Kwaotip is a premuim grade Thai traditional herbal formula derived mainly from White Kwaotip Krua (Pueraria Mirifica). After many years of research from Dr. Wichai Cherdshewasart
the studies indicated that this herb shows estrogenic and rejuvenate effects to the female body especially at the breast
facial skin
body skin
hair and vaginal epithelium. Thus elevate the appearance of the female secondary sexual characteristics and also the skin beauty.

ALL Natural Dietary Supplement

Hight Phytoestrogen (especially isoflavonet):

*Increases sensitivity and vitality

*Promotes silky shiny hair
keeps hair pattem bone calcium accumulation

*Enhances breast and skin appearance

*Serves as a anti-wrinkle agent

*Enhances physical and mental ability

*Serves as a fountain of youth

Ingredients: Pueraria Mirifica and other herbs (60 capsules per box)

Recommended Dosage: Take 2 capsules after breakfast and dinner.

Precautions: - Not for women under 20 years old.
- Women with developing cyst at the ovary
and uterus.
- Pregnant women and breast feeking mother should avoid taking this product.
- Women who are taking birth control pill should not take this product.
read more “Herbal Breast Enhancement Pills Very Quickly Method Of Breast Enlargement”

For most women and some men primping and preening their hair is a daily Olympic event that may or may not win them any medals for the way they look. In fact from bed head to hat head
most of us tress obsessed are prone to bad hair... probably because most of us suffer from bad hair hygiene.

Want healthier
sexier hair? Don't despair
do what you're told, and not what you do

Shower Power:

1. Go Au Natural: Most store bought shampoos contain astringent cleaners
which can be damaging to hair
note professionals. However
using products made from natural ingredients are less likely to rob your locks of essential oils and nutrients.

2. Get Familiar With Product Protocol: Make your product work for you. According to experts
the best benefits are achieved by emulsifying shampoo or conditioner in your hands
prior to applying. Massage into roots
then lastly
down sides of shaft (hair shaft
that is).

3.Less Is More: While washing hair daily may make you feel like it's squeaky clean
but in reality
daily cleaning can be damaging and drying. Instead wash hair every other day or two to three times per week. On "off days"
rinse with water and apply conditioner as needed
mainly at the ends.

4. Go Deep: Heat and color treated tresses need to be deep conditioned at least once a week. If hair is extremely damaged
experts recommend a concentrated hair mask in place of daily conditioner (for use from midshaft down).

Styling Suggestions:

1. Avoid Burnout: Many modern dryers are efficient at speeding up the drying process
but experts note that they were designed to be held high above the hair (preferable by a stylist) and to be circulated around a lot
so as to avoid overheating and damage. To avoid dryer burnout
experts recommend removing the nozzle and point your dryer downward. And
they suggest treating damp hair with a heat-protectant spray prior to drying.

2. Go With The Flow (Of Your Hair): Use fingers when styling your hair until it is about 80 percent dry
then pull out the brush. And
don't try to fight its natural tendencies.

3. Let It Breath: While many de-frizz or anti-frizz silicone based products help keep strands smooth and sexy
experts suggest applying them AFTER heat styling (for best results). Otherwise
they note they can have a "shrink wrap" effect
depleting your mane of moisture.

4. Brush Up On The Type Of Brush Your Using: According to experts
the best brushes are those with natural (boar) bristles
because they disperse your scalp's natural oils and keep them well greased.

Feeding Your Follicles:

1. Nourish Your Roots With An Adequate Diet: The best follicle fuel is found in omega-3 fatty acids
according to the experts. So
dive into some cold-water fish such as salmon and tuna and don't forget the protein (found in nuts and cheese).

Salon Suggestions:

1. Time Your Touch-Ups: Frequent color touch-ups according to the experts
can be beneficial in not only covering up the damage time has done
but also in preventing chemical damage
especially since keeping up with color means only roots will need a quick fix and stylists won't have to leave color on that long.

2. Protect Yourself (from color-fade): Professionals suggest ensuring color lasts by refraining from shampooing for 72 hours
using only color safe products. However
if you need a shower to style your hair only wet your hair and apply conditioner.

Salon Secrets:

A quick fix for frayed ends is simply applying a leave in treatment then giving them a blast of "fresh" air with a dryer.
read more “Healthy Hair Beauty Secrets From The Pros”

Genital herpes in some people may never show symptoms
but for others
the symptoms become so severe that complications develop
especially if sores or herpes blisters appear in other areas of the body.

Cold sores on the lips
called “herpes labialis”
are normally mild and may be considered a mere nuisance. But if these become prolonged
or severe
the use of antiviral treatments is recommended.

Blisters on the hands and fingers can also occur and it is called “herpetic whitlow”. Since the hands can practically reach all parts of the body
it has the greatest capacity to spread the virus. To prevent such a disaster
the hands must be covered with plastic or rubber gloves.

There can be blisters on the anus
too. The infection is called “herpes proctitis”. This infection is usually more painful and more distressing than genital herpes.

The eyes
especially that of the newborn
is also susceptible to the herpes virus. The infection is called “herpes keratitis” or “ocular herpes”. When this happens
or even when you only feel a painful irritation in your eyes
consult the doctor immediately. If ignored
herpes keratitis could lead to blindness.

Women who experience genital herpes outbreaks may also have vaginal yeast infections
called “vulvovaginal dandidiasis”. There will be swelling
and pain when the woman urinates or engages in a sexual activity. This is due to the presence of too many yeast organisms in the vagina. If you have vaginal yeast infections
it doesn’t mean that you also have genital herpes. The excess growth of yeast occurs for many reasons
such as when the woman is taking antibiotics or birth control pills
or when she is pregnant
or when she is wearing tight body-hugging clothes. Fortunately
with good hygiene
this type of infection disappears on its own.

the genital herpes virus can infect the cerebrospinal fluid and the tissues that surround the brain. This will result to meningitis and encephalitis. Meningitis is life-threatening especially when these occur: changes in vision
bulging on the baby’s head
and seizures. Encephalitis happens when the brain becomes swollen. It is also a life-threatening complication and have similar symptoms to that of meningitis. It can also lead to coma.

Other internal organs
such as the joints
and liver
may suffer complications when a person has genital herpes. These complications occur in people with ineffective immune systems
such as those with HIV
diabetes or cancer and those who are undergoing chemotherapy.

To avoid complications
you must again recall that HSV survives in mucus and may affect any part of the body where mucus is found.
read more “Health Complications With Genital Herpes”