Article for Women Issues

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According to recent surveys
around 35% of the female population is suffering from insomnia and disturbed sleep. Night sweating
tiredness are slowly becoming a daily feature of a woman’s life. Are you one of them
who have started loosing their sound sleep and is lying awake even longer than before? If this type of sleeping disorder persists
then it’s time you should consult your doctor.

Your body needs around 6 to 7 hors of sleep daily. But some people can do without it too! Some woman sleep for just 4 to 5 hours and stay healthy
while some may take 10 hours daily to counter the same level of stress. Well
the actual amount of sleep is an individual matter. A sleep deficit of only a few hours can result in irritability
trouble with concentration
and our ability to stay alert. Additionally
insomnia is usually a symptom of an underlying problem
such as a psychological or physiological reason
or it may be due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Here are some key points that a woman must take to ensure proper sleep patterns:

    1. Avoid going to bed either too hungry or too full.

    2. Stop smoking
    alcohol and other similar drugs.

    3. Keep regular patterns of sleep and rest during day as well as night
    so it does not disturbs your biological clock.

    4. Make arrangements for a good comfortable pillow and mattresses. Keep the environment of your room neat & clean.

    5. Make exercise a part of your daily routine. Being fit helps make you resistant to stresses that can work to keep you awake at night and research shows that when people are active
    they tend to rest better.

Incomplete sleep patterns can be very frustrating for women at times leading to depression of moods and depreciation of health. What makes this all so bad is that many forms of depression are natural
normal and temporary.. Likewise they can be relieved through safe
gradual methods using your body’s natural mechanisms.

As with other symptoms of imbalance
depression is your body’s way of sending you a signal that something is awry. Some advice to take antidepressants in this case
but it is not that advisable. Because they don’t address the underlying problem; they drown it. Therefore the best solution to all these insomnia problems is maintaining a good diet and a healthy routine.

read more “Female Health Sleep Patterns”

Did you know that female hair loss is part of the lives of more than 25 million women in the United States alone? Most of them are not using any female hair loss treatment and only few are aware of the existing hair loss treatments. In almost all the cases Female hair loss could be avoided
stopped and new hair growth could be stimulated.

Female pattern hair loss is similar to what is known as the "male pattern hair loss" for men. It is caused by an increasing amount of a chemical called DHT which usually occurs in the menopause age. As opposed to men
women usually suffer from thinning hair around the forehead and crown of their scalp
and not a complete baldness.

There are several available treatments for female hair loss of this kind:

Natural female hair loss treatment – There are several natural products that showed good results in stopping female hair loss like Advecia and Revivogen. These products are made up of hair growth vitamins
herbs and minerals and have no side effects.

Female hair loss products – The most popular hair loss product for women is Rogaine. Rogaine is the only FDA approved female hair loss treatment. Its' main component is called Minoxidil which is a DHT inhibitor.

Other less common female hair loss treatments like wigs
hair thickeners and hair transplants are not recommended.

Another kind of female hair loss is a temporary hair loss. This kind could be a result of metabolic problems during pregnancy
a severe stress condition
high fever or infections. The treatment in these cases would be stopping the medical problems as soon as possible. This would also result the hair regrowth.

If you do not suffer from female hair loss we congratulate you and advice you to use regularly a shampoo
a conditioner and moisturize and to maintain a healthy diet. If you start losing your hair do not ignore it. You can stop your hair loss. Good luck.
read more “Female Hair Loss Treatment And Information”

Menopause is one of the most common causes of female hair loss and one of the least happily endured symptom. Female hair loss can be pretty devastating to any woman in today’s modern society
which emphasizes the importance of an attractive hairdo. Just think on the thriving multi-billion dollar in the hair care industry and the numerous advertisements on shampoo
styling products and hair loss treatments.

Like childbirth
menopause is a natural occurring state for women and – also like childbirth – the changes manifested in the body can be traumatic. Women begin menopause between the ages of 30 and 70
with most beginning between the mid 40s and mid 50s. However
menopause can occur unnaturally
that is
after surgery or medical treatment. In this case
the symptoms may be much more severe and female hair loss is much more likely.

Female hair loss is not a guaranteed symptom of menopause. It is less common than
for example
hot flashes and mood changes. Women experience female hair loss to varying degrees and some don't experience at all.

Exactly what causes hair loss is still not clear. But many experts have said that the most common cause is androgenetic alopecia or genetic balding. This refers to a genetic process whereby individual hair follicles metabolizes the sex hormone testosterone. Menopausal women experiencing hair loss experience a higher rate of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone
or DHT. It is the effect of DHT on hair follicles that results in heair loss.

In the same respect
women who have abnormally high levels of male sex hormones can also experience thinning of scalp hair. Signs that these women display include plenty of body and facial hair
abnormal menstrual patterns and enlarged clitoris.

In addition
factors like anemia
thyroid disorders
fungal infections and stressful life situations can cause hair loss in menopausal women.

In the same way that female hair loss shows itself as a manifestation about three months after the originating cause begins
so too does female hair loss take about three months to show the effects of treatment. Estrogenic treatments like soy isoflavones or hormone replace therapies
will need to be implemented for about three months before you can determine whether or not it's working for you.

How negative a menopausal woman feels towards her hair loss differs from individual to individual. In situations where it affects her quality of life and self esteem
it is best to address the problem quickly. A proper evaluation by a professional for causes of hair loss is necessary to determine the underlying medical conditions and an appropriate course of treatment that produce the condition.
read more “Female Hair Loss And Menopause”

Many people have the misconception that all female bodybuilders are muscle bound
steroid popping Amazons
who look like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

There are certainly a small handful of women who will fit into this category and they compete in the elite championships such as the Ms Olympia
however the vast majority of women who are involved in bodybuilding are using it purely for toning the body and for fitness.

Female bodybuilding is an excellent sport for young women to strengthen their muscles
burn fat
and lift their overall fitness levels so they can compete at a higher level in other sports.

By lifting weights women can actually lose body fat
as the muscle they are building needs energy
and this is derived from using the energy that is stored in their body fat.

The average female bodybuilder is unlikely to build enormous muscles without the aid of special supplements or steroids.

This is due to the fact that women have a low level of testosterone in their body and it is testosterone that is needed to build the muscle that men can so readily gain.

Along with improved muscle tone
weight lifting also aids in the strength of the heart and the bones. This is particularly important because many women suffer from degeneration of their bones in later years.

Specific exercises for abdominal development will also help with the strength and support of the back and this can be very beneficial for women who are considering having a baby.

As you can see
there are many different areas where women can benefit from bodybuilding
and specifically weight training
without the concern of looking like an Amazon at the end of their training.

Most professional sports these days have weight lifting as part of their training routine and this also applies to female sports.

A female bodybuilder will have a higher level of fitness and a lower level of bodyfat than the average women.
read more “Female Bodybuilding”

For thousands of years knowledge of the herbs and wild plants that could increase fertility were the secrets of the village wise women. But after the holocaust against European Wise Women (the "burning times") and the virtual extermination of Native American medicine women
this knowledge virtually disappeared. In fact
many people erroneously believe that "primitive people" had no means of controlling the likelihood of pregnancy. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Many common plants can be used to influence fertility
including red clover
partridge berry
wild carrot
and wild yam. Some of these grow wild
others are easy to cultivate
with the exception of wild carrot
all are also readily available at health food stores.

One of the most cherished of the fertility-increasing plants is red clover (Trifolium pratense). Common in fields and along roadsides
it has bright pink (not really red) blossoms from mid-summer into the chilly days of fall. A favorite flower of the honeybees
the tops (blossoms and appending leaves) are harvested on bright sunny days and eaten as is
or dried for medicinal use. The raw blossoms are delicious in salads and nutritious when cooked with grains such as rice or millet.

To make a fertility-enhancing infusion
I take one ounce by weight of the dried blossoms (fresh won't work for this application) and put them in a quart size canning jar. I fill the jar with boiling water
screw on a tight lid
and let it steep at room temperature overnight (or for at least four hours). Dozens of women have told me that they had successful pregnancies after drinking a cup or more (up to four cups) a day of red clover infusion.

It is especially helpful if there is scarring of the fallopian tubes
irregular menses
abnormal cells in the reproductive tract
or "unexplained" infertility. It may take several months for the full effect of this herb to come on and pregnancy may not occur until you have used it for a year or two. You can improve the taste by including some dried peppermint (a spoonful or two) along with the dried clover blossoms when making your infusion. Treat the father of the child-to-be to some red clover infusion too!

That little evergreen creeper that carpets some parts of the woods around your house is partridge berry (Mitchella repens)
also known as squaw weed
supposedly because of its ability to enhance fertility. (My teacher Twylah Nitsch
grandmother of the Seneca Wolf clan
says that "squaw" is a slang term meaning "schmuck" or
in the proper term
and therefore should not be used in denoting a plant meant to be used by women.) Keep an eye out this spring and see if you can catch Mitchella blooming. Then you'll see why she's sometimes called "twin flower."

when the paired flowers fall off
they leave behind but one berry to ripen. (The shiny red berries you've noticed in the forest winter or spring. Yes
they are safe to eat
but leave some for the partridges.) The symbolism of two flowers forming one berry is certainly a suitable icon for fertility. I make a medicinal vinegar by filling a small jar with the fresh leaves
adding apple cider vinegar until the jar is full again. A piece of waxed paper held in place with a rubber band and a label (including date) completes the preparation
which must sit at room temperature for six weeks before use. I enjoy up to a tablespoonful of the vinegar on my salads or in my beans.

By mid- to late-May
the yellow blossoms of liferoot (Senecio aureus) enliven my swamp (in upstate New York) and the neighboring roads where there is adequate water and rich soil. A powerful medicine resides in all parts of this lovely wildflower. As the root has a dangerous reputation
I restrict myself to using only the flowers and leaves
which I harvest in bloom
and quickly tincture. (For instructions for making your own tinctures
please see any of my books.) Small doses of this tincture (3-8 drops a day)
taken at least 14 days out of the month
will regulate hormone production
increase libido
normalize the menses
relieve menstrual pain
and improve fertility. The closely related Senecia jacobea and Senecio vulgaris can also be used.

Wild carrot (Daucus carota)
better known as Queen Anne's lace
is such a common roadside plant that most people are amazed to learn that it is a proven anti-fertility herb. In addition to being the wild cousin of carrot
it is related to parsley
and a (now extinct) plant whose seeds were the birth-control of choice for many a classical Greek or Roman woman.

The aromatic seeds of wild carrot are collected in the fall and eaten (a heaping teaspoonful a day) to prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg. In one small study the effectiveness rate after thirteen months of use was 99%. As modern scientific medicine reports that one-third of all fertilized eggs are passed out of the body without implanting in the uterus
this method of birth control seems in complete agreement with nature.

Of the hundreds of women currently using this anti-fertility agent
I have heard virtually no reports of any side-effects. Note that many books caution you to beware the danger of confusing poison hemlock and wild carrot. Poison hemlock is rather scarce in our area
at any rate
does not smell or taste of carrot (as does Queen Anne's lace)
so I believe this warning to be a red herring. In addition
wild carrot leaves have small hairs on them
while the leaves of poison hemlock are smooth.

Another anti-fertility herb that has been tested by small groups of modern women is wild yam (Dioscorea villosa). Since birth-control pills were originally made from this plant
it is not at all surprising that it has the effect of blocking conception when taken daily in rather large doses: either a cup of tea or two capsules taken three times a day.

Does it have detrimental effects? Current studies are too small to show any
but there is a possibility that there could be. Interestingly enough
if wild yam is taken in small doses (a cup of tea or 10-20 drops of the tincture daily from onset of menses until mid-period) it increases fertility! In either case
the effect seems to be triggered by the large amount of hormone-like substances found in this root. When taken daily
these substances may be converted into progesterone
thus decreasing the possibility of conception. When taken for the two weeks preceding ovulation
these substances may be converted into LH and FSH
hormones that are needed to make the egg ready to be fertilized.

Other common weeds and garden plants of our area that have been used to increase or decrease fertility include stinging nettle
and parsley.

The earth is full of wonders
and green magic abounds. As more and more women remember that they are wise women
more of the wonders and the magic will be revealed. May your days be filled with many green blessings.

Susun Weed
PO Box 64
NY 12498
Fax: 1-845-246-8081
read more “Feeling Frisky Herbs For Fertility”

In recent studies
it has been proven that women
who have larger fuller breasts
feel better about their overall health and weight than women with smaller breasts. The belief is that larger breasts make a woman’s waist look smaller. Now all women can have larger fuller breasts without cutting into their bodies. Breast enhancement pills offer safe
non evasive alternative to surgery. Gone are the days where surgical augmentation was the only available option for women who wanted breast enlargements. There are numerous alternatives now
natural breast pills
supplements and creams for the breast enhancement. Leaving women feeling sexy
confident and beautiful!

Since the beginning of time
women and men have been obsessed with breasts. From birth
we seek nourishment from our mother’s breasts. Girls grow into young women and start to develop their own breasts
often doing exercises to try to increase their bust size. Boys start to notice girls as their breasts become larger and well
boys never outgrow their obsession with larger breasts on a woman! A woman’s breasts are what make her feel sexy
sensual and alive. This is why many breast cancer survivors are happy to beat the cancer
but often left devastated without their breasts. Thankfully
there is help now for all women
whether natural or surgical.

With natural breast enhancement through pills or creams
this offers a woman a gradual feeling of breast growth
every morning waking up feeling more and more voluptuous. We have had reports that this has sent a surge into relationships! Men love to rub the breast creams on their wives and girlfriends breasts knowing that they are in a small way rubbing them to become bigger and fuller! It’s like rubbing the genie bottle and getting their biggest wish! Can you imagine what that does to a relationship?

Most importantly
this safer alternative to surgery
allows women to have control over what is happening to their body. Every woman wants to be in control
wants to feel she is not doing something harmful to herself. Natural breast enhancement does just that
restores confidence and eliminates guilt. Remember girls
it’s your body
your beautiful breasts! Natural breast enhancements will not only restore your confidence in your body
and will keep your hard earned money in your pocket! Unfortunately
we cannot guarantee that your man’s hands will stay in his with your new beautiful new breasts!
read more “Feel Sexy with Larger Breasts the natural way”

Girls night out is about being girly and about having fun with you friends. It’s about having a party and meeting people that are out to have a ball too. You feel free and outgoing. The city is not going to be the same after this night out.

You and the group of girls you usually hang out with have decided to meet down town for a girl’s night out. The big question arises
what to wear?

Depending on how you feel about dressing up
you can either put on something that is discrete so that you don’t get unwanted attention from guys who are out there too. Or you could dress up more relaxed and outgoing
I am out to have a good time. Or
you could put on clothes full of color and signal to the world that here you are
ready to rock the city.

If you really want to stick out from the crowd
in a positive way
you should try on a feather boa around your neck to go with your outfit. A feather boa will for sure make other people notice you. But be warned; be prepared for maximum attention from guys who are out looking for a party girl like you. And don’t get surprised if you legs are sore the next morning because of all the dancing the night before.

Wearing a feather boa around your neck is the perfect accessory for a nightstand or dresser. It is easy to wear
weighs almost nothing
and will make you look fabulous and beautiful. Feather boas are that extra spice that really makes the difference for your party-look.

If you have doubts whether feather boas are suited for a normal night out
and not just for a carnival – don’t be; you will look great with it. Try one out. If it does not feel right for you
that’s okay. I am sure you look beautiful without it as well.

Have a great night out
and thank you for listening.
read more “Feather Boa For A Girls Night Out”

I am not going to discuss Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' fashion sense. Going on cruises -- you know
aboard a ship -- is more than just a vacation. This is a time when dressing up is a must especially in the main dining hall and night socials. Though many cruise ships have loosened their dress code policies
there are still premier lines that keep the old dressing up traditions. It is a good thing
because most people who go on cruises are people who want to break the monotony of their lives. Dressing up gives them an opportunity to break from their routine and lets them get the most from their cruise vacation. Dressing up is not really a problem
it is the packing that frustrates many. By many
I mean us

How many times have you tried to shut and zip up an overflowing suitcase only to be denied at the port or airport because your luggage is at least 20 pounds overweight? Dressing up on cruise does not mean that you have to pack your whole wardrobe. Cruise fashion means smart and practical packing. Being stressed out because of too much luggage makes us look haggard even in our best evening dress. Before you pack
it is important to be familiar about your cruise's itinerary. This gives you a general idea what clothes
and shoes to pack. Since the itinerary and dress code of the cruise is usually printed with the brochure
you should have no problem with this. If you like to be sure
call the travel agency that promotes the cruise. In general
cruises often require that you attend three kinds of activities: a formal social
smart casual affair
and a casual/sporty activity.

Since you won't be spending the day locked up in your cabin
remember to pack good day wear aside from your stilettos. Day wear can mean anything from swimsuits
and jeans depending on wear you are going. Bahamas cruises certainly merit good swimsuits
and other breezy wear. If you are thinking of a Scandinavian tour
hiking boots
hiking clothes
and gloves are must-haves. Bring sweatshirts
or lightweight windbreakers for sudden changes in temperatures.

Nighttime aboard on the ship usually involves socials that require dressing up. If your itinerary specifies several strictly formal events
just bring a formal dress or two and key pieces of jewelry. There are dresses that are designed to function in multiple ways: asymmetrical
or with straps. You could buy and pack one of these and save on luggage space. Your staple black dress is fine as long as you change the accessories that go with it. Wraps
and necklaces are good additions to your outfit. If you prefer pantsuits
bring a pair of versatile dress slacks and several tops to go with it. Cruise Diva editor Linda Coffman actually advises concentrating on the waist up. People hardly notice what pants or shoes you wear as long as they notice change on your tops and accessories.
read more “Fashion For Cruises”

Genital warts
also known as condyloma
or condylomata acuminata
is a highly contagious sexually transmitted infection. It is spread during oral
or anal sex with an infected partner. Genital warts are the most easily recognised sign of genital HPV infection.

Genital warts often occur in clusters and can be very tiny or can spread into large masses in the genital or anal area. In women the warts occur on the outside and inside of the vagina
on the cervix
uterus or around the anus. While genital warts are approximately as prevalent in men
the symptoms of the disease may be less obvious. When present
they usually are seen on the tip of the penis. They also may be found on the shaft of the penis
on the scrotum
or around the anus. Rarely
genital warts also can develop in the mouth or throat of a person who has had oral sex with an infected person.

Genital warts often disappear even without treatment. In other cases
they eventually may develop a fleshy
small raised growth that looks like wadi. There is no way to predict whether the warts will grow or disappear. Therefore
if you suspect you have genital warts
you should be examined and treated
if necessary.

Depending on factors such as the size and location of the genital warts
a doctor will offer you one of several ways to treat them.

* Imiquimod
a topical immune response cream which you can apply to the affected area

* A 20% podophyllin anti-mitotic solution
which you can apply to the affected area and later wash off

* A 0.5% podofilox solution
applied to the affected area but shouldn’t be washed off

* A 5% 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) cream

* Trichloroacetic acid (TCA)

* Pulsed dye laser

* Liquid nitrogen cryosurgery

If you are pregnant
you should not use podophyllin or podofilox because they are absorbed by the skin and may cause birth defects in your baby. In addition
you should not use 5-fluorouracil cream if you are trying to become pregnant or if there is a possibility that you could be pregnant.

If you have small warts
the doctor can remove them by freezing them
burning them or with laser treatment. Occasionally
the doctor will have to use surgery to remove large warts that have not responded to other treatment.

Some doctors use the antiviral drug interferon-alpha
which they inject directly into the warts
to treat warts that have returned after removal by traditional means. The drug is expensive
and does not reduce the rate that the genital warts return.

Although treatments can get rid of the warts
they do not get rid of the HPV virus
so warts can recur after treatment. However
the body's immune system typically clears the virus anywhere from 6 months to a year. There is even some suggestion that effective treatment of the wart may aid the body's immune response.

The virus that causes genital warts is spread by skin-skin contact. Condoms do not adequately protect against genital warts
because the infected spot may not be covered by a condom. The only reliable prevention is to have no skin contact with potentially infected tissue.

an effective HPV vaccine
is currently undergoing a phase III clinical trial and appears nearly 100% effective against the most common types.

This article is presented for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as medical advice. If you or someone you know has genital warts
consult your doctor for the latest treatment options available.

Permission is granted to reprint this article as long as no changes are made
and the entire resource box is included.
read more “Facts About Genital Warts”

Spending a bomb to buy a facial product with claims of having all natural ingredients for beautiful skin and having drastic results on its usage is very depressing for any beauty conscious woman. We see wide varieties of cosmetics available in supermarkets
department stores
health food stores as well as internet and TV.

Not everybody has the same skin type. What product works on your friend’s skin
might not work for you and vice versa. If you buy a product for your skin type
it could have adverse effect as there could be some chemical or ingredient which could cause a reaction on your skin. Moral of the story – “Not all cosmetic products work well for everyone’s skin”.

Cosmetics labeled as having “natural ingredients” do contain some amount of artificial chemicals or elements. With over priced cosmetics made from natural ingredients
many people have started preparing beauty products at home. Making a facial mask at home with all the ingredients available in the kitchen is quite easy and inexpensive.

- Create a salon like atmosphere while doing a facial at home. Ideally they tie your hair in high ponytail or make you wear a band around head. Choose to do what ever you feel comfortable about.

- Start by splashing tepid water all over your face. Massage your face gently with water. Repeat it twice or thrice and let your face air dry.

- While your face is still damp
massage vitamin E on your face. Let your face soak the oil for 5 minutes or so. Use a mild soap to remove the oil from your face.

- Again splash your face with water at room temperate. Repeat it for 2 or 3 times. Avoid towel drying your face.

- Next make your facial mask. Blend 1 egg white or fresh Aloe Vera juice of same quantity
tsp vegetable oil and 1 tsp pure apple juice in a clean bowl.

- Dip your hands in the facial mask and apply the mask to your skin. Start with your chin
move upwards and then outwards skipping the area around the eyes and lips.

- Now you have to just sit back and relax. Cover your eyes with wet cotton balls or cucumber pieces. The mask has to dry completely. An ideal time for a small nap.

- Mask takes anywhere from 20 – 30 minutes to dry. You feel your skin tightened when the mask is dry. Splash water all over face and gently remove the mask with light massage strokes on your face. Continue doing this till your face is cleared of the entire home made facial mask. Let your face air dry.

Use this home made facial mask once or twice a week or depending up on the time you have on hand. You will feel fresh and have much younger looking face all the time.
read more “Facial Mask At Home”

Countless movies
and tales have spun gold out of the concept of extrasensory perception (often referred to as ESP). Consider popular television shows and films like Medium and The Sixth Sense. People are fascinated with the paranormal – Ouija boards and tarot card readings
once considered taboo and even somewhat dark – are now popular games sold in Toys R Us. But with all this talk and publicity
much of the origin and science of extrasensory perception has been obscured. The actual definition of extrasensory perception is the “ability to acquire information by means other than the five canonical senses (taste
and hearing)
or any other sense well-known to science (balance
but there are several different types of ESP
as well as interpretations of it.

Before getting into all the different ideas and challenges associated with extrasensory perception
let's first consider the history of ESP. The concept itself goes way back
far before popular culture turned it into a cultural phenomenon of sorts. In fact
in many past cultures (i.e. ancient China and Egypt)
it was simply expected that people could communicate mentally with others
including the dead
and other supernatural spirits. While this possibility has been heavily criticized as
at best
speculation and at worst
pure superstition
plenty of accounts (both ancient and relatively recent) have described incidents of extrasensory perception
as well as everyday use of it for divination.

the big question is: Do people actually have ESP and can it be proved? Many paranormal scientists have run experiments to test the veracity of alleged psychic abilities and many have come out shocked and amazed at the results. It seems that ESP may be a little more likely than anyone previously thought. In fact
some paranormal studies have found that alleged psychics seem able to foretell the contents of sealed envelopes and accurately draw images identical to those of people drawing the same image from a remote locale. Parapsychology (especially the area of extrasensory studies) has grown both in venerability and believer population. In fact
many large universities now have Parapsychology programs including Edinburgh University in Scotland.

Most claims of psychic readings and abilities are similar to the three most commonly reported extrasensory happenings which include telepathy
and precognition. Telepathy is defined as mental communication between two or more people. It entails one person sending or receiving thoughts to or from another person via some sort of mental or emotional link.

Clairvoyance is often called a “second sight” or a “sixth sense” -- that is to say
the person perceives events happening in a location other than his or her present one
without having any previous knowledge of the event. For example
a clairvoyant person may sense that something is wrong with a friend or a family member to find that he or she was in trouble. They also may “know” that their house is being robbed as they are out to dinner. Precognition
on the other hand
is also known as “fortune telling” or “foresight” and entails the ability to know or predict what will happen in the future. Many prophets (including very false ones) have risen to fame – and even religious worship -- through their apparent ability to predict the events of the future.
read more “Extrasensory Perception Or ESP What Is It”

Exfoliation is a simple idea and has long been a trick of the professional stylist’s trade
but only recently has exfoliation hit the mainstream. When you exfoliate your skin you buff away the dead skin cells that linger on the top of your face
thereby revealing a glowing layer of fresh
young skin. The layers of new skin that your face produces are smooth and soft
and are the perfect surface for flawless makeup application. If you are troubled by flaky areas on your face
or if you find your makeup clumping rather than settling evenly onto the natural contours of your nose
and chin
exfoliation may be the answer to your beauty woes.

The most affordable and convenient way to exfoliate is at home with an over-the-counter facial scrub. A scrub containing small
abrasive granules of sugar
crushed walnut shell
or oatmeal can help you whisk away dead skin cells on your face and body. For best results
thoroughly cleanse your face with warm water; then apply the scrub using your fingertips. Draw small circles with your fingers all over your face to gently buff away the dead skin. Splash your face with cool water
pat dry
and enjoy the healthy look of your radiant complexion. Exfoliating helps keep your best looking skin out in the open where everyone can see it
instead of trapped under a thin layer of dead skin cells that can obscure your natural beauty.

For a more complete exfoliation
visit a cosmetologist or a plastic surgeon that specializes in microdermabrasion. This unique treatment makes use of modern technology to give you the most thorough possible exfoliation without damaging the vulnerable young skin you are seeking to reveal. In microdermabrasion
a device not unlike a sandblaster is used to coat your skin with tiny crystals; then a gentle mix of abrasion and suction is applied. The crystals loosen the dead skin cells from the surface of your complexion; then the suction lifts them away.

With multiple treatments
microdermabrasion may reduce the appearance of small wrinkles
helping you achieve a perfect
youthful looking visage for far longer than mother nature intended. This makes microdermabrasion very popular with people in the entertainment and fashion industries
where a youthful appearance is almost a job requirement. However
microdermabrasion can cost a pretty penny. Exfoliating at home can be done quite inexpensively
as facial scrubs start in the range of five to ten dollars. By contrast
a single session of microdermabrasion can cost well over a hundred and fifty dollars.
read more “Exfoliate For Amazing Movie Star Skin”

A good night’s sleep may be elusive once women reach their 40’s and beyond. Fluctuating hormone levels
a mind that doesn’t turn off when you turn in
and getting up to use the bathroom all contribute to sleepless nights and yawn-filled days. If you’re tired of counting sheep when you should be snoozing
the following answers to sleep questions can help:

What can I do about night sweats?

In perimenopause and menopause
declining estrogen levels can cause hot flashes while you sleep
called night sweats. These can be relieved with hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
but because studies have linked long-term use of synthetic HRT to increased risk of serious illnesses
including breast cancer and heart disease
the latest recommendation is to use the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible time. (For complete study results go to Bioidentical hormones˜natural HRT--also keep night sweats at bay
but their long-term safety has not been well researched.

Some women swear by alternative remedies
including soy products (soy milk
soy nuts)
herbs such as black cohosh and dong quai
and vitamins B and E. Before you add more soy to your diet or try herbs
talk to your doctor. Soy and some herbs mimic estrogen
so their safety for use by women with breast cancer is questionable. In addition
the FDA does not regulate herbal supplements.

After a typically too-full day
how can I get my mind to stop racing and go to sleep?

It may help to get problems off your mind by writing them down before bedtime. You can also try learning a relaxation technique
such as meditation or progressive muscle relaxation (tensing and releasing all your muscles
starting at your feet and working up to your head). Listening to soft
slow music before bed may also ease you off to sleep; a recent study showed that it slows heart rate and breathing.

I get up to go to the bathroom two or three times a night. Help!

As we get older
the hormone system in the brain that normally suppresses the urge to urinate during sleep is disturbed. For some women
a few lifestyle changes solve the problem. Try limiting the amount of liquid you consume for 4-5 hours before bedtime
and steer clear of caffeine and alcohol late in the day. Don’t eat a large meal close to bedtime. And losing weight
if you’re overweight
will relieve pressure on your bladder. If these don’t solve the problem
talk to your doctor.

Will working out help me sleep better?

according to a recent study at Seattle’s Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
which found that women age 50-75 who started taking brisk walks for 30 minutes in the morning improved their ability to fall asleep at night by 70%. Working out in the afternoon is good
too. Just avoid exercise within three hours of bedtime
because it can make it harder to fall asleep.

My husband tells me I snore. How do I stop?

Snoring becomes more common in women after menopause. Try sleeping on your side or stomach instead of your back. To keep from rolling onto your back
sew a pocket into the back of your p.j.s and put a tennis ball in it. If your snoring is loud and persistent
interrupted by pauses in breathing
and your feel excessively sleepy during the day
you may have a more serious disorder called sleep apnea. Talk to your doctor
who can recommend lifestyle changes and other treatments that can get you (and your husband) back to sleep.

Might the problem be my bed?

Could be
especially if your mattress is over 10 years old. When mattress shopping
lie down on each mattress for at least 15 minutes in various sleeping positions
with your partner if you sleep with a partner. And play it safe: buy from a company that lets you sleep on the mattress at home and return it at no cost. Don’t forget your pillow. When you fold it in half
if it doesn’t spring open by itself
it’s time to replace it. Whether you prefer synthetic or down filling
go for comfort.

Sweet dreams!
read more “Everything Midlife Women Would Like to Know about Sleep if they weren t too tired to ask”

Enhancing Your Breasts Naturally

You may have read ads regarding natural breast enhancement. Maybe you're looking for options to surgical breast enhancements. If you want to enhance your breasts without the costs and risks of surgery
you should know about natural breast enhancement options.

Natural breast enhancement generally relies on plant estrogens. These estrogens are not the same as the estrogen prescribed by doctors. Plant estrogens can cause the breast to grow as it does in puberty. Users report permanent results from using natural breast enhancement.

Natural breast enhancement using plant estrogens often comes in the form of a pill to be taken daily. It can also be found in creams. There are even natural breast enhancement products that come in liquid form.

It is important to note that natural breast enhancement methods do not show results immediately. Don't give up if you don't see results in a day or two. Many users report results in a few weeks. Unlike surgery
with natural breast enhancements you can control the results. When you reach the desired size
you can stop using your pill or cream.

If you are interested in natural breast enhancement
research products carefully. Natural breast enhancement is a good option for people who cannot afford surgical enhancement. It is also a good option for those who want more control over the results or are seeking natural ingredients. Natural breast enhancement does not leave scars. You have no recovery time. Natural breast enhancement is an option for anybody who would like to enhance their breasts.

Pueraplus is a premuim grade Thai traditional herbal formula derived mainly from White Kwao Krua (Pueraria Mirifica) which contains Phytoestrogens (Natural Plant Estrogen). After many years of research from Thailand
the studies indicated that this herb shows estrogenic and rejuvenate effects to the female body especially at the breast
facial skin
body skin
hair and vaginal epithelium. Thus elevate the appearance of the female secondary sexual characteristics and also the skin beauty.

ALL Natural Dietary Supplement

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* Enhances physical and mental ability

* Serves as a fountain of youth

To Free Natural breast enhancement BREAST SPRAY $ 40 at
read more “Enhancing Your Breasts Naturally”

A significant number of women suffer from endometriosis; some with symptoms so severe that they turn to hysterectomy as a solution for their pain. While hysterectomy may be appropriate in some cases
it does not always cure the underlying problem. There are other less drastic procedures which a woman may want to explore prior to making the decision to have a hysterectomy.

Endometriosis occurs when the tissue (endometrium) that lines the uterus thickens and grows in places other than the uterus. The condition can be extremely painful as well as highly inconvenient. It may cause heavy vaginal bleeding at any time during the month
not just during a woman’s menstrual cycle. In addition
endometriosis can lead to uterine adhesions
in which the uterus itself becomes stuck to other organs such as the ovaries and/or fallopian tubes. Untreated endometriosis can eventually lead to problems with the entire reproductive system
including infertility.

Symptoms of endometriosis vary widely both in type and severity. They occur primarily prior to the start of a woman’s period but may rear their heads at any time. While vaginal bleeding outside of the normal period is one indication of endometriosis
blood in the stool and/or blood after sexual intercourse may also be signs. Pelvic pain
low back pain and pain in the upper legs and thighs may also point toward endometriosis. A woman should also report pain during bowel movements and painful intercourse to her physician.

The symptoms of endometriosis may ebb and flow. Often times they diminish during pregnancy and may stop altogether after menopause. This is because the production of the errant cells is related to the body’s production of hormones. However
endometriosis is a chronic disease that very rarely disappears completely of its own accord.

Before opting for a hysterectomy
a woman may want to consider other less invasive treatments. These may include hormone therapy and laparoscopy. Still
it is important to remember that the side effects from continued endometriosis can be as damaging as the malady itself and
in some cases
even more traumatic than the initial disease. Not only can endometriosis lead to infertility
the uterus has been known to become adhered to the bowels. Cancer of the reproductive organs is also higher among women who suffer from endometriosis.

in consultation with her doctor and after much thought
a woman may decide to have a hysterectomy. Hysterectomy may take several forms: A total hysterectomy in which the uterus and cervix are removed; a sub-total hysterectomy in which the uterus only is removed; a total hysterectomy plus removal of the fallopian tubes and one or both ovaries. Many women choose to remove only the uterus since the removal of the ovaries can lead to surgical menopause. Leaving one or both ovaries allows the body to continue producing hormones which may delay menopausal symptoms. While taking out the uterus only may end the signs of endometriosis for some women
it is treating the symptoms only and not the cause of the disease. The ovaries may still signal the body to produce endometrial tissue in places outside of the uterus. As a result
bleeding and other side effects may continue and additional surgery may be required.

The pain and inconvenience of endometriosis may be bearable and controllable for some women. Ultimately though
a woman will have to weigh the risks inherent in lesser therapies against the negative factors which may be associated with a hysterectomy. After a careful analysis
many women may choose a hysterectomy to eradicate the pain
emotional trauma and possibilities of further health damage caused by unchecked endometriosis.
read more “Endometriosis and Hysterectomy Weigh The Risks”

I know most men don't like wearing neckties and bows except during desperate times (job interviews
meeting your girlfriend's folks
your wedding). But admit it
neckties and bows add a certain elegant appeal to your get up. Sometimes
you even catch yourself saying
Bond.. James Bond
. Though ties make you think that your girlfriend is a sadist (Hon
you look dashing when you can't breathe..)
you have to admit that she's right. You do look good in ties. Besides
it's not so bad since there are many tie styles to choose from. Aside from making you choke and look good
ties also offer a subtle way to change your look. Though learning how to choose good tie material is important
learning which tie style looks best with a certain shirt or proper occasion is key.

there are four tie styles commonly in use. There is the four-in-hand
Windsor and Pratt knot. The three mentioned first are the classic knots. They have been choking
I mean adorning men's necks years and decades before. Pratt knot is a recent tie style having been around only since 1989. Of course
talking about tie styles are not complete unless we talk about the disadvantages and advantages of these styles of neckties and bows. The four-in-hand style is the best style for those only starting to wear ties. For one
they are easily mastered and suit almost all occasion. However
they are suited best for shirts with narrow collars since they are asymetric and would look sloppy with wide collars. Half windsor style knot is more difficult to tie. They do suit most occasions and shirt styles because of their symmetry and formal look. Windsor knots are best for formal occasions. This is a wide tie style and is best for shirts with white collars. Conversely
they would look over the top and improper with narrow collars. The more modern Pratt knott is the most versatile tie style. This is not too wide nor narrow and suits every shirt style. It can also be used for occasions. Plus
it also gives you a neat and polished look without sacrificing a relaxed vibe. However
for more formal occasions (weddings
high society affairs) a bow tie is preferred.

Quit whining when presented with neckties and bows. With a variety of styles to choose from
you could always choose the one you're most comfortable with. You'll feel good
and most of all distinguished. After all
it is better to feel choked than look and appear sloppy.
read more “Elegant Not Strangled”

It is every woman’s dream to have beautiful and firm breasts. Breast enhancement is done by many ways. It can be through surgery or by using herbal pills. The way you want to choose is totally your decision but the enhancement by herbal pills is a preferred option. By using herbal pills you can have firm breasts and a beautiful bust line n a few months.

There are no side effects and even if some pills do have side effects it is almost negligible. The breast pills are compromise of extracts and herbs. The herbs have the capability to balance out the hormones in the female body. This balancing has its effects and those are firmness of the breast and enhancing the size of the breast. In most of the cases the effects take no longer then 3 months till they start becoming evident.

Now let’s have a look at the different pills used and the herbs used in theses pills. The herbal pills normally contain a substance known as phyto-oestrogens. This substance stimulates the receptors in the breasts thus forcing them to grow bigger and firmer. Phyto-oestrogen is found in plant food. The pills normally work by tricking the breasts.

How do the pills trick the breasts? It is a normal process that when you are pregnant your breast size starts increasing. They also become more firm. Now when you are not pregnant then you can take these herbal pills. These pills will make the breast think that you are pregnant and thus the breasts will perform their function of getting bigger and firmer. The breasts will enhance but unlike pregnancy milk would not be produced.

For production of these pills many parts of different plants are used keeping in view the characteristics of all. Leaves
stalks etc form part of many extracts which are used to make the pills. Each part used in the medicines has its own distinct characteristics. Some are more strong and effective than the others. Keeping in view the advantages the herbal pills have
most of the drugs nowadays are made of herbs. Different herbs used for making these pills are appended below:-

Saw palmetto
Fenugreek Extract
Siberian ginseng root
Wild yam extract
Chinese red ginseng root
Avenal satliva
Astragalus root
Fo ti root
Guarana seed
Golden seal root
Echinacea whole plant
Cayenne root

These herbs are the most commonly used nowadays and have proved to be very useful in different pills. Mammonite
breast success
nuperk etc are few of the many pills available in the market for breast enhancement. It is always advisable that you should consult your doctor before using any pill.

if you’re looking for a way to increase your breast – here’s one way to do so – “Just naturally” is a natural breast enlargement product
which is a potent herbal blend of 13 ingredients that are clinically proven and approved by surgeons to have none negative site effects.
read more “Easy Breast Enlargement”

Menstruation is a common occurrence in every woman’s life. Unwanted pain and cramps are part and parcel of this occurrence. It is like meeting a guest you do not want to see in your life. These cramps may not stay for long. But the little time it stays
surely leaves an impact. If this pain continues for more than 48 hours it is better to consult a doctor. Otherwise
you can use some of these measures to save yourself from the recurring nightmare.

- Herbal home remedies to treat Menstrual Cramps problem

Exercising is one of the easiest ways to ward off this problem. Walking helps in reducing menstrual cramps because it improves circulation of pelvic organs. While walking
do not strain yourself; walk in a relaxed fashion by moving your arms and hips freely.

A warm bath or a heating pad may just do the trick. Keep the heating pad on the small of your back. It relaxes the muscle spasms and also alleviates cramping pain.

If you are planning to move out in cold weather
see to it
that you are wearing a warm jacket that covers your hips. The heat of the jacket relaxes your pelvic muscles by keep it warm.

Gingerroot tea can relieve menstrual cramps. Simmer handful gingerroot
cut in slices for 15 minutes. Let it cool to drink later.

Calcium helps to prevent menstrual cramps as it maintains the normal muscle tone. During menses muscles that lack calcium tend to become hyperactive causing cramps. Therefore increasing calcium helps in reducing menstrual cramps. Try to consume 800 milligrams a day which nearly equals three cups of milk.

Magnesium increases body's calcium absorption capacity
therefore reducing menstrual cramps. Foods that possess properties are beans
whole grains such as buckwheat and whole wheat flour
vegetables and nuts.

Holistic and relaxation techniques like acupuncture may help in clearing menstrual problems.

Cramp bark (Viburnum opulus) is one of the most ancient and useful herbs used to treat menstrual cramps. It helps in easing severe cramps that causes nausea
vomiting and sweaty chills.

Black cohosh is another ancient medicine used for relieving menstrual cramps. It can be taken in several forms including crude plant
dried root
or rhizome
or as a solid
dry powdered extract. The recommended amount is 20-40 mg twice per day and to be continued for six months.

Blue cohosh is completely different from black cohosh. This too
has been used traditionally to ease painful menstrual periods. Generally taken in tincture form one should not drink more than 1-2 ml three times a day. Once you become pregnant
stop using this herb
as it may cause heart problems in your child.

False unicorn is mostly taken as a tincture
three times per day. You can consume dried root 1-2 grams thrice daily. It is usually taken with other herbs that help female reproductive organs.

Have a tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel with two pinches of black pepper thrice a day. This will help too.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
read more “Easing Menstrual Cramps By Using Home Remedies”

Developing menopause symptoms before the age of forty are early signs of menopause. Such early menopause could be due to surgical removal of ovaries
chemotherapy treatment for cancer
or due to early failure of ovaries. You therefore experience early signs of menopause much before other women experience normal menopause symptoms.

Menopause symptoms remain the same in cases of early menopause or normal menopause. The most common and early signs of menopause is hot flushes with excessive sweating in the middle of the night. Few other early signs of menopause include:

 Disturbed sleep
irritability and associated tiredness
 Headaches and body aches
 Memory loss and depression
 Vaginal dryness and infections in urinary tract
 Lack of sexual urge and arousal

These early signs of menopause occur due to hormonal imbalances. Although you cannot fight against such early signs of menopause
you can minimize the inherent risks due to such hormonal imbalances. Common fall out of lack of hormones is decreased bone density leading to thinning of bones or osteoporosis. You are therefore at a greater risk of fractures due to early signs of menopause. Sometimes it also increases chances of heart attacks.

How to combat Early Signs of Menopause

You can reduce or sometimes nullify early signs of menopause by adopting a healthier life style. Include many whole grains
fresh vegetables like leafy greens
variety of fruits like citrus fruits
etc. in your daily diet. Consume low fat diary products with high calcium content to compensate for the loss of calcium due to onset of the early signs of menopause.

Phytoestrogens are the estrogens available in plant food. Include more of soybeans
linseed bread
and legumes as these phytoestrogen rich foods can replenish your depleting estrogen levels due to early signs of menopause. Drink around eight glasses of water every day and reduce intake of caffeine products like coffee
etc. to negate the effects of early signs of menopause. Limited consumption of alcohol
less than a glass each day
proves very helpful in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Eating small portions of lean meat
or chicken many times in a week supplies more iron to your body
as early signs of menopause are often the result of lack of sufficient iron levels in your body. Vegetarians can substitute these with increased consumption of leafy vegetables and fruits to keep early signs of menopause at bay.

Another major factor helping in the smooth transition through your early signs of menopause is daily physical exercises for a minimum of half an hour. Brisk walking
and other simple exercises keep your bones healthy
prevent bone loss
reduce weight gain
improve your heart condition
and develop your overall health. A positive and optimistic approach towards life also helps maintain your balance.
read more “Early Signs Of Menopause”

When a woman experiences menopause before the age of 40 it is termed perimenopause or early menopause. Early menopause symptoms are the same as those of normal menopause. Early menopause symptoms manifest themselves in the form of brittle bones
mood changes
heart disease and other problems.

Early menopause symptoms are seen more in women who smoke regularly and those who have never conceived. Such women are more prone to heart attacks and an increased cholesterol level. Since menopause has occurred earlier than usual
such women must consult their doctor to learn about ways to fight the early menopause symptoms.

Early menopause symptoms result from decrease in production of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. This causes less absorption of calcium and results in fractures. One should therefore take calcium supplements in the diet
in the form of leafy vegetables and soy products.

Hot flushes and nighttime sweating are one of the most common early menopause symptoms. These are caused due to constraint of blood vessels. Hot flushes disturb one’s sleep and can cause insomnia. One becomes restless and a lack of rest can leave a person feeling irritable.

Other early menopause symptoms include dry skin and a persistent burning sensation on the body. Applying a lot of moisturizer all over the body can treat this. One gets migraine attacks from time to time and the joints become stiff.

Reduction in hormone production causes a loss of elasticity in body tissues. Due to this women experience early menopause symptoms like vaginal dryness
painful intercourse and a general lack of interest in sexual matters. Women may get an urge to urinate more frequently due to some loss of bladder control.

In general
the premature onset of menopause is a tough time for any woman with increase in occurrence of early menopause symptoms like fatigue
low self–confidence and a general feeling of rejection. However
information about the early menopause symptoms ensures that one can handle menopause better. One must adopt healthy habits in the mid-thirties itself. This includes no smoking
a moderate intake of alcohol and a nutritious diet of green vegetables and lean meats. All women must take a cup of low-fat milk everyday to build healthy bones and a store of calcium in the body.

It is a good idea to reduce the intake of tea and coffee to a minimum since this hampers absorption of calcium. One can substitute the body’s hormones by natural plant estrogens like tofu. A woman must incorporate a regular exercise regimen in her daily schedule. This can be in the form of a brisk walk or any other physical activity to build strong bones. Overall
physical activity induces a feeling of good health and is the best weapon against early menopause symptoms. One can also take hormone replacement therapy under strict medical supervision to combat early menopause symptoms. The line of treatment to overcome early menopause symptoms varies from a woman to woman and depends on the individual’s needs and physical health.
read more “Early Menopause Symptoms”

Most people who think they know all about dry skin
chapped skin
redness and other signs of skin dehydration really don't. Take this quiz to make sure you know who your skin's enemies are.

The answers are located at the end of the quiz.

1. What is *not* one of the three most common skin types?

a.) Moist

b.) Normal

c.) Dry

d.) Oily

2. What is "combination skin"?

a.) Oily to dry

b.) Normal to dry

c.) Oily to moist

d.) Normal to moist

3. Which of the following is not one of the most common locations of dry skin?

a.) Lower legs

b.) Arms

c.) Thighs

d.) Tummy (front of abdomen)

4. Scaling is a symptom of dry skin that is also most commonly called what?

a.) Chafing

b.) Flaking

c.) Cracked skin

d.) Rough skin

5. Which of the following are worst for dry skin in winter (also called "winter itch")?

a.) Fireplaces

b.) Space heaters

c.) Radiators

d.) Forced-air furnaces

6. The best skin lotions for winter itch are:

a.) Thick and greasy

b.) Light and smooth

c.) Watery and clay-textured

d.) Spray on

7. In order to avoid chafing when drying off
you should:

a.) Only dry lightly; do not dry off all moisture

b.) Dry thoroughly
but pat yourself dry rather than rubbing

c.) Allow as much of the water to evaporate as possible rather than towel-drying most of it off

d.) Dry thoroughly and vigorously to dry as fast as possible


a. moist. The most common types of skin are dry
and normal. Knowing your own skin type
you can find out the bath and body lotions that will work best at moisturizing your skin.

c. normal to dry. Combination skin means that you have to use a product that moisturizes your skin without being so strong that it can make your skin oily.

d. tummy. According to Medline Plus
the most common areas of your body to suffer dry skin are the arms
lower legs
thighs and flanks (sides of abdomen).

b. flaking. According to Medline Plus
also called flaking
is "visible peeling or flaking of outer skin layers." Some of the worst sources of scaling are psoriasis
lichen planus
and athlete's foot.

d. forced-air furnaces. According to Medline Plus
dry skin is often caused by the sudden switch from cold to warm air
and in particular the warm dry air of forced-air furnaces.

a. thick and greasy. According to Medline Plus
thick and greasy lotions really do the best job of holding moisture into your skin.

b. pat
don't rub. You have to dry off thoroughly to prevent losing skin moisture through evaporation
but rubbing the towel against your skin will damage your epidermis.
read more “Dry Skin Care Quiz”

Many people I know are afraid to make regular visits to their physicians. For some reason
they have learned to be fearful of visiting a doctor and of what the visit might mean for them. I am increasingly grateful that my parents taught me to understand that going to a doctor is a privilege that not everyone in the world gets. As I have been raising my own five children
I have tried to help them understand as well that visiting a doctor of any kind is a privilege that should not be taken lightly. I have recently begun sharing with my kids the privilege of utilizing the physicians who specialize in dermatology.

Dermatology is one field of medicine that you should never be afraid of. Why? Because the goal of dermatology is simply to make you look better
literally. Dermatology has everything to do with the health and life of your skin. It is a complete privilege that we get to have doctors who are totally devoted to helping us improve the condition of our skin.

I have recently begun taking my three teenagers to see a doctor who specializes in dermatology and more particulary in teen skin care. My teens are all struggling with acne and are hoping that dermatology can be at least part of the answer. What I appreciate about dermatology as a field is that the physicians more often than not realize that skin problems are related to a lot more than just a chemical imbalance. Dermatology often suggests
for example
that teens and young adults need to make adjustments to their diet and fitness habits if they really want to see changes come to their skin.

One of the great things that dermatology has done for our family is teach us all the importance of drinking water. I never realized what a huge role that water played in clearing skin and in keeping skin looking vibrant and healthy. Since we have been using dermatology often
we have noticed a strong difference in all of our skin.

If you have questions about your skin or about problems you are having with your skin then look no further than to dermatology. See what a dermatologist can do for you. Get advice about good dermatologists from friends or family members and schedule and appointment for everyone in your family today. Dermatology is concerned with everything related to skin
not just with acne problems. You can get screened for skin cancer and learn how to take better care of your appearance.
read more “Don t Be Afraid Of Dermatology”

Unless you know your proper bra size
you could be wearing the wrong undergarment. This can be more than just a mild discomfort: bras that are too tight or loose can lead to serious injuries to your neck and back. They can also cause numbness in your hands and fingers. Trying to work with the wrong bra will only leave you in physical pain. When you find a bra that fits correctly
you’ll feel – and look – better.

All the letters and numbers on bras might seem confusing. What’s the difference between A and AA? Are DD and E the same bra
but with different letters? The process is actually easy once you understand what the numbers mean. Fortunately
there’s a fast and simple way to decipher the “code” of the bra industry. Grab a cloth measuring tape – usually the type that a seamstress or tailor will use – and start measuring.

Step One:
Wrap the tape around the area just beneath your breasts. You should pull the tape so that it is snug
but not too tight. Now
subtract five from your measurement. This number is your band size; remember that for later.

Step Two:
Move the tape upward so that it covers the fullest part of your bust. Make sure that the tape is a little loose around your body. Check out your measurement. If you get an odd number
round up. Now
subtract from your band size number.

Step Three:
Now you have your cup size. Your number corresponds to the bra industry’s sizes like this:

AA = less than one inch
A = one inch
B = two inches
C = three inches
D = four inches
E (or DD) = five inches
F (or DDD) = six inches

Now that you’re confident that you have the right bra size
head to your favorite lingerie store and start browsing. You’ve eliminated one of the biggest problems that women face when purchasing these undergarments
so go shop with confidence.
read more “Does Your Bra Fit Find The Right Size For Your Body”

Considering the daring styles of swimwear many people
both male and female
are wearing today
no doubt keeping bikini lines in check is an important issue.

Even for those of us who don't wear the more daring styles
making sure pubic hairs are not public hairs is a concern when getting ready for the pool or beach.

It's not a simple matter of tucking your pubic hairs inside the legs of your suit
because they're bound to escape. So it becomes a question of how best to remove the hairs at the bikini lines all together.

While many people may elect to use a depilatory lotion/cream or do a bikini wax at home or at a salon
shaving bikini lines is still the method most often used.

Now you may be thinking that the reason some people choose depilatories or waxing over shaving their bikini lines is because these alternative methods to shaving don't irritate this sensitive skin. Truth is - That's not the truth. At least not for most people.

If you speak with people who use a depilatory
(and they're honest)
they'll tell you:

1) They're messy

2) They smell pretty bad

3) They're inconvenient - Because you have to wait for them to work
you have to be somewhere to be able to wash them off and they don't always completely work
leaving you with patches of hair

most importantly -

4) The harsh chemicals more often than not leave your skin looking red and feeling raw
as if it's just been burned
which basically it has ...

And if you speak with people who choose waxing
(and they're honest)
they'll tell you:

1) It's messy

2) It smells pretty bad

3) It's inconvenient - Because you have to wait for it to work
you have to be somewhere to be able to wash off the residue
it doesn't always completely work with the first application so you have to do it again
and oh yes - IT HURTS! Even if you have it done at a salon
all of the above applies

most importantly -

4) The harsh chemicals more often than not leave your skin looking red and feeling raw
as if every hair has just been yanked out
which basically they have ...

So - We're back to shaving bikini lines.

The bad news is that most people who are shaving their bikini lines basically just grab a wet razor and have at it. So it's no wonder that their skin looks red and feels raw
as if it's just been scraped
which basically it has ...

And even worse - Because bikini lines are areas that maintain a good deal of moisture and receive a great deal of friction
ingrown hairs become a major problem.

The good news is
anyone can learn that there's a right way of shaving pubic hairs from the bikini lines and
perhaps even more important
that there is a much better tool than a wet razor for shaving this sensitive area.

Shaving your bikini lines doesn't have to drive you bonkers!

All you need to do now is your own research about how to safely shave your bikini lines along with using a shaving device that's better designed for bikini lines.
read more “Does Shaving Your Bikini Lines Drive You Bonkers”

Once I was surfing through the web and found a very interesting article about all popular superstitions that deal with hair. One of them especially sparked my interest. The author said that
despite of common belief
in no way possible can moon influence hair growth
because it simply cannot be
and that all this is granny’s tales.

of course
many of the scientists may lead you into long and dull calculations about how this influences that
and whether this influence is generally possible. But let’s look closer at this concept.

When I was at the high school
my teacher of physics showed us simple formula how one physical body influences other physical body. Of course
she was speaking about the planets and really huge bodies. But I can give you three reasons why this law is true for all existing physical bodies
no matter how small
or minuscule they are.

Reason #1: Everything in the World Is Interconnected

General science speaks that every part of the Universe is guided by some laws of existence
and that world is divided into parts that we see and that we can’t see. Moreover
every one of us knows that something small creates big.

In other words
all of us are made of particles that we can’t see
and the big world is made of small things the same way.

Now let’s think about this: if everything is guided by laws
and big world and small one are interconnected
then this leads to a conclusion that we are connected to the world
too and influenced by the general laws of its existence.

Reason one is proved.

Reason #2: Big Influences Small

Returning to my sweet teacher of physics
let’s look closer at the laws of the mutual influence.

Who said that we are not influenced by the planet
OR planets? For example
there are weather sensitive people
whose state of health depends on sunny or rainy weather and atmospheric pressure. People are small and the planet is huge
planet influences people
big influences small.

why does something that is generally and physically possible seem so impossible to the self-oriented humans?

Let’s assume reason two is proved

Reason #3: Stars Are Not Simply Dots in the Sky

This reason is my final argument for those who know that world goes round
but are not likely to believe it.

There is an astronomy and astrology. Each of these sciences deals with stars. One predicts the future
second studies movements of the planets. First science isn’t regarded by some of us as a science at all
second uses so many gadgets and technical devices
that almost all of us believe it. Of course
tabloid horoscopes do not add faith in the truthfulness of the predictions.

But do you know that ancient Arabs made long and complicated calculations that were written in separate huge books to get the right future forecast for the single person? These calculations usually took several weeks to finish; they required not only the exact date of your birth
but also exact day
even second of birth of your parents
some of the relatives
even strangers.

they took into account positions of the planets
the Sun
the Moon
the Earth itself. And these positions were calculated in the same way as they are calculated now by modern scientists
who use fast computers and latest gadgets.

as you see
once astrology was rather exact
complicated and demanding science that was later abused and misled.

Now we read horoscopes just for fun
and don’t know their true history and nature. To say more
astronomy takes its origin from the astrology
because first star charts and observations were brought from Arabian countries.

But I won’t say that stars influence our future. What I really want to say is that stars influence our health and state of mood by the magnetic and physical interconnection with the Earth
in its turn
influences us directly.

even if you do not believe that stars influence you
they do influence every part of the world you live in
and these parts
in their turn
have a certain impact on you.

Reason three is proved.

When it comes to the growth or fading of the Moon and its influence on hair growth
the existence of such is explained by firm and solid law of nature.

The Moon and the Earth are bound by the mutual attraction. High and low tides of the Ocean exist because the Moon approaches and moves away from the Earth in a six-hour cycle. The growth-fading lunar cycle has eight stages
and this cycle influences the Earth in the same way as the six-hour cycle does.

the Moon rotates around its axis
as well as around the Earth
along oval orbit
so there are points when the Moon is closer to the Earth and when the Moon is further from the Earth. It all moves us into complicated eight-staged ellipse lunar cycle.
Lunar cycle leads to the minor changes in the atmospheric pressure and the power of the Earth gravity. In its turn this affects animal and human health and behavior. For example
doctors report an increase in epileptic seizures and bleeding ulcers at the time of the full moon.
Gravity is one of the Earth’s strongest forces
so you can’t ignore the Moon.
If we now think more about certain similarities between natural world and human organism
we will see that plants and herbs grow better or worse according to the lunar cycle. Moreover
it is a common practice when coffee trader view chart of the winter full moon to plan their coffee sales. The connection between the full moon and plant growth is so well established that it affects investment patterns.

Hair growth is affected by the Moon in the same way
as anything else on the planet. When the gravity changes
state of your health changes
too. With the lower gravity
even if the change is so small that you don’t feel it
your hair grows slower. It happens in the beginning of the moon cycle and in the middle
on the full moon.

During the new moon and the old moon
the gravity is bigger
and the hair grows faster. Thus
the perfect time for visiting your stylist is on the 3-11th days of the moon cycle
as well as on17-24th days. Your hair will grow faster during these days.

Even if you do not believe all of the said
you can’t deny the influence of gravity on human organism. Thus
there really are certain connections and influences of the Moon on the hair growth.

There are only few reminding to those who expect miracles:
• Changes in Earth’s gravity are very small
so you shouldn’t expect fantastic results.
• If your stylist has a “heavy” hand and your hair doesn’t grow back in two weeks after hair cut
you shouldn’t expect a miraculous hair growth
• If your hair is in unhealthy condition
it will use any opportunity to revive itself first
and only then it will grow longer.
• My last reminding is that if you used to have short haircut
and now you’ve decided to grow your hair long
it will take time
doesn’t matter when you cut your hair
and who cuts it. Our hair grows only up to 5-7 mm per month
and this is a proven scientific fact.

whether or not you believe that the Moon and hair growth are connected
you would agree that as long as you live on the planet
you will feel
consciously or subconsciously
all changes and influences made by our planet and its counterparts.
read more “Does Moon Really Influences Hair Growth Truth Behind the Superstition”

Does Menopause last long?
is often a question women ask their doctors. Women who are looking for menopause relief are always waiting for the end to come near. For many women
menopausal symptoms cause pain and are very uncomfortable
so they are looking for the end from the moment perimenopause begins.

How Long Does Normal Menopause Last?

For most women
they can expect all the stages of menopause to last between four and five years. From the first early symptom or sign to the last
hot flashes can actually range from one year to eight years. This is not much relief for women who have been suffering for several years already.

Premenopausal woman may already be experiencing the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause and wondering when it will all be over. Unfortunately
there is no specific time frame for menopause. Some people believe that women who have had heavy periods will have longer menopauses than people who have had lighter periods. Others believe that the earlier menopause or perimenopause sets in
the longer it is going to last.

The Average Length of Time

There is no strong evidence to support any predictors for the length of menopause. Every woman is different and every woman will experience menopause at a different pace. On average
a woman who is suffering from premenopausal issues will have four years before their period has disappeared. It may take longer for all hot flashes to disappear.

Relief for Symptoms

There are a variety of techniques available to help relieve the symptoms associated with menopause. Some of the most popular ways to relieve menopausal symptoms are:

* Medications like estrogen

* Herbal supplements like Black Cohosh and Chaste Tree Berry

* Reducing life stressors

* Exercise

* Eating right

Family and loved ones being supportive can also be a great relief for women suffering through menopause. Women who are surrounded by understanding people are going to have a much calmer menopause experience than a woman who is constantly struggling to get her symptoms heard and understood.

What can be done?

There is no predetermined amount of time that menopause will last. Some women may experience menopause symptoms for only a couple years while others may suffer for over five years. There is also no way to determine how uncomfortable the menopause process is going to be for a woman. Some women will not notice very many changes in their body as they breeze through menopause
while other women may feel like they are in agony for much of the process.

Relief of menopause symptoms can come from medication
herbal remedies
and emotional support. Although the time frame is unknown
women who have a good support system around them are more likely to find the menopause experience bearable.

For families who have a woman going through menopause
they can offer support by being understanding of the radical mood swings and bodily changes that the menopausal woman may be suffering from. Menopause is something that all women will go through at some point in their life. It is important to seek medical support as well as the support of family and friends during the long process of menopause.
read more “Does Menopause Last Long”

How to build sexy perky butts and buns?

Do you know that whether you are a guy or a gal
one of your anatomies that are constantly being scrutinized is your butt? Many do say that a perky butt is one of the most attractive part of a human body. And don't you think it is? Certainly so!

Take a look at your own buns right now. Is it tight perky and strong or is it saggy and lumpy? Worse
is it without any tone and just hangs there like a piece of flesh just out from the butcher store? If you really want a tight and sexy butt that make heads turn when you are in a pair of tight jeans or in your bikini
read on.

Your butt consist of three muscles
the gluteus maximus
gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. The gluteus medius and gluteus minimus are the muscles on the sides of the hip that are used for the internal rotation of the thigh. The gluteus maximus is the largest of the three muscles and is used for hip extension
outward rotation
leg adduction and leg abduction. These muscles are collectively called the "Glutes".

Strong glutes helps us in our daily activities like climbing stairs or squating to pick sonething besides looking good and sexy. These muscles are essential in sports activities. Strong glutes will power your participation in any sport
like cycling and especially in jumping sports such as football
basketball and net ball.

If your glute is hanging and lump then there is a layer of fats covering the muscles. If that is the case
its simple. Just lose the fats by a combination of cardio
weight resistance exercises and a clorie restriction diet.

To have great looking strong glutes
weight resistant exercises must be included in your workout routines. For some people
exercises such as running up slopes
stair-master or step climbing will have good effect in shaping the buns. But to have that perky sexy butt
you will have to incorporate Squats
Dead lifts and Lunges which are fantastic butt shapers. All these exercises are described and picture illustrated in my ebooks "Burn Fat Build Muscles Fast".

So in a nutshell
you need to lose fats and build a well muscled glute in order to own a sexy perky butt that make heads turn and eyes glued to your bottom posterity. That isn't difficult. All you need is some commitment and determination on your part and you are already half way there.
read more “Do You Want A Sexy Perky Butt”

Menstrual cycle is an important part of a woman’s reproductive life. The usual age for the onset of menstrual cycle is 12- 13 years but it may vary from person to person and other environmental factors. The length of the menstruation can fluctuate from 3 to 5 weeks without any prior alarm.

How it occurs?
Menstruation occurs when the endometrium (an inner lining of the uterus) sheds. This menstrual flow contains blood and mucus from the cervix (an opening at the lower third of the uterus) and vagina. The area of the brain called hypothalamus along with pituitary glands control the hormones necessary for the reproductive organs. Six hormones namely
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Testosterone control your menstruation process.

Pain during menstruation
Painful menstruation or dysmenorrhea is the most common problem for any woman. This causes inability to carry day to day responsibilities due to lower abdominal cramping
nausea and headache during menstruation. Pain during menstruation can be categorized into two types. One is the primary dysmenorrhea which is quite normal because of painful contractions as a result of release of natural substances called prostaglandins from the uterine walls.

The second one or secondary dysmenorrhea is evident after many years of normal menstruation as a disease of the uterus
fallopian tubes and ovaries. Most common factors include abnormal growth
pelvic infection
uterine cancer or even endometriosis. Endometriosis is a disease whereby the uterine tissue is found outside the uterus
in fallopian tubes or ovaries. This could also end up in infertility.

Menstruation stopping
Many women also face stopping of menstruation for a period say 6 months or more are said to have amenorrhea or absence of menstruation. Another reason for stopping of menstruation includes stress among women that whether they are pregnant or will have their menstruation in time. Emotional stress
physical and mental health problems can also lead to stopped periods for a long time. Menstruation stops during pregnancy and if a women intakes birth control pills then it takes 6 months to year to resume normal periods.

Reasons or factors for stopping menstrual cycles:

1. Sometimes women don’t have menstruation as their ovaries don’t respond properly to the hormones releasing egg

2. Ovarian cysts and obstruction in the reproductive tracts

3. Poor nutrition

4. Vigorous exercises

5. Diabetes

6. Tuberculosis

7. Non alcoholic liver disease

8. Chronic illness

9. Medications such as birth control pills

10. Obesity

You can find more about women reproductive health at
read more “Do you have regular menstruation cycles”

Stretch marks are lines on the skin
which usually happens when the skin is stretch a lot over a short period. This can be seen especially during pregnancy. The medical term for stretch mark is stria.

Stretch marks starts as red lines on the skin that are slightly lifted. The color of the stretch marks depend on the color of the skin of the person has it. They may sometimes look pink
reddish brown or dark brown.

They are usually similar in lines. The appearance of the skin is lean and grey and sometime appears like a scar. They are usually pale and happen to be less obvious.

Stretch marks can come out anywhere on skin that has been stiffed. They normally take place on parts of the skin where fat is stocked
like the tummy
thighs and buttocks.

It is a wrong notion that only woman can have stretch marks since they are the only ones capable of conceiving. Even men can have stretch marks themselves.

What causes stretch marks is that when the skin is suddenly stretched. The outer layer of the skin is not really affected by this
but the dermis becomes thinner and develops insignificant tears.

There is an appearance of stretch marks in the body because of the following conditions:

1. Pregnancy – Almost 90 percent of women who got pregnant develop stretch mark on the areas of tummy
legs or thighs
breast and shoulders. Normally
this stretch mark appears on the sixth or seventh month of pregnancy.

2. Development of adolescence – Boys often get stretch marks on their shoulder while girls get them on their hips
thighs and breast since they tend to grow quickly.

3. Athletes – Athletes who train or go to the gym to become bigger and stronger sometimes get stretch marks.

4. Weight loss/weight gain – Putting on a lot of weight over a short time can also cause stretch marks. And if you are on a diet and intended to lose weight
there is a possibility in the appearance of stretch marks.

On relieving stretch marks
nothing is known as an exact treatment for stretch marks. But the following initial treatments might help you to slightly fade stretch marks.

Moisturizers and creams – Creams containing alpha hydroxyl acid (AHAs) can help reduce stretch marks. Creams are not yet proven to prevent stretch marks but they may lessen the ugly appearance of stretch marks.

Laser surgery – this does not remove stretch marks
but it can help them not be noticeable.

Surgery – this is a very expensive and extreme option but it can remove stretch marks bellow the belly button.

in order to avoid stretch marks it is important to maintain a healthy weight. Diets that can cause your weight to change quickly can cause stretch marks.

You also have to massage your skin everyday with a moisturizer in order to improve the blood circulation that encourages new tissue to appear. It is also important to eat healthy foods
which help to keep healthy skin.

if you are a pregnant woman and do not want to have stretch mark
eat healthy and advisable foods. It is not really recommended for you to eat a lot of food. You just need to take extra calories in order to nourish you unborn child. But take note
these calories should come from a well balanced diet.
read more “Do Not Let Stretch Marks Invade Your Body”

What is the aspirin mask? The aspirin mask is a homemade BHA mask available to each and everyone of us
totally inexpensive and highly efficient
made of salicylic acid or tablets of aspirin. BHA is known to help tremendously with cleaning pores from deep inside and therefore contribute to keeping our skin blemish-free. BHAs are efficient on existing blemishes as well
by helping them heal faster and keeping pores clean afterwards.

Indications: all skin types
especially normal to oily and combination skin
acne-prone and clogged skin.

Basic preparation: 1/4 tsp. salicylic acid (ask for it at pharmacy
if you cannot find it
then crush 3-5 tablets of plain aspirin instead)
distilled water. Mix the powder with the water until it becomes of a creamy consistence
apply on clean dry skin (focus on T-zone and sides of the nose). Keep it on until completely dry. Take a small cotton pad
wet it lightly and begin scrubbing the areas covered with the mask
making small circles. Finally
rinse with plenty of water. It would be excellent to apply a calming mask or a hydrating mask first
followed by your regular moisturizer. Skin will be left completely smooth and even.

There are practically unlimited versions of this mask. You can add yoghurt for an astringent effect
aloe vera
honey. You can also make the mask using a basic moisturizer mixed with salicylic acid instead of water
as it will be less harsh on the skin and will be more easy to use. Another option is to mix salicylic acid / crushed aspirin into a mask: into a clay mask
a hydrating mask or a soothing mask. My personal favourite is aloe vera mask with a hint of salicylic acid - application is much better
skin is less irritated and dried compared to aspirin with water
the feeling left after this mask is absolutely unique so smooth and clean!

If you use powdered salicylic acid
it is advisable to limit the quantity to 1/4 tsp. for the whole face
too much will burn the skin. If using aspirin tablets
you will probably need somewhere between 3 and 10 tablets depending on the area where you apply it.

Do not apply it near to eye zone
as it would be extremely drying and irritating for the sensitive skin there.

Refrain yourself from over-using it. For very oily skin and for severe blemishes
every 3 days would be more than enough in order not to stress the skin and obtain maximum efficiency. Other skin types should use it once a week or twice a month (dry to very dry
sensitive skin).
read more “Diy Skin Savers The Aspirin Mask”

Until recently
and electrolysis were the only methods of removing unwanted hair. In the early 1990's
the first reports of using laser energy to selectively damage and disable actively growing hair follicles were published
and since the mid 1990's
laser hair removal has become the "Gold Standard" for the management of unwanted hair.

People started to crave for the newly discovered laser hair removal
but as they undertook the treatment they found out several side effects. Nonetheless
it should be noted that the side effects are only temporary.

There are several laser hair removal systems available today
but they all work using the principal of selective photothermolysis
in which a carefully timed pulse of laser energy passes through the skin and is absorbed and converted to heat energy at the hair follicle.

Because longer wavelength laser light penetrates deepest
the most common lasers used are the Ruby
and Nd:YAG lasers
all red or infrared lasers. The bottom line
all of these may be the cause for some side effects that a patient may experience.

The possibility exists that some side effects of laser hair removal can be one of the following:

• Redness- this could be an initial side effect on the part of the client after undergoing the laser hair removal which is usually caused by the heat that transpires on the skin to the hair follicles.

• Swelling- this complements the redness of the patient’s skin after treatment.

• Itching- it is commonly experienced by the patients during treatment sessions.

• Pain
or feeling of numbness (cold spray) - this is why the surgeons advised the patients not to apply any cream prior to the treatment that may cause their numbness.

• Crusting/scab formation (on ingrown hairs).

• Bruising- this is noted to be one of the rarest cases being brought up by the patients after the laser hair removal treatment.

• Purpura (Purple Coloring of the skin) on tanned areas- the laser hair removal is not that advisable for individual who have tanned skin because this is the most crucial problem that they could encounter after treatment.

• Temporary pigment change- it could be classified as either hypo-pigmentation or hyper-pigmentation on the client’s skin.

Although there are some risks in laser hair removal treatment
there are still other clients who have tested the treatment that have described it as simply as having a feeling of being snapped by a rubber band. Most patients tolerate the procedure well
but some areas of the body are more sensitive than others which is why they experience these side effects. This is very normal even with other forms of skin treatments.

Immediate side effects if any are frequently minor and short lived. Most people return to their normal activities right away.

People should not be upset if there are some side effects brought by the laser hair removal because the lasers that are used at out-clinic are non-invasive and are designed to be gentle enough to treat an individual’s sensitive skin and effective enough to remove even a man’s beard or back hair. Each has an active cooling system to gently treat hair while protecting the appearance of the surrounding skin.

Even though there are a few side effects with laser hair removal we must bear in mind that these are unavoidable
and for most people the outcome still outweighs this annoyance.
read more “Discovering Laser Hair Removal Side Effects”
