Article for Women Issues

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What to wear
what to wear? Are you at a loss when it comes to dressing for holiday get-togethers? Do not despair; many people share your concern. However
there are a few guidelines you can keep in mind when preparing to attend a holiday party.

Know where you are going
This is a big one. Simply having an idea where you are going and how others will be dressed will save a lot of time and a major headache. If you are going to an office Christmas party
business casual will probably be the best choice. However
if you are just going to your sister's house
you may be able to tone it down. If you are unsure
ask someone what the dress code will be. Keep in mind that "casual" means different things to different people. When you are told "casual" in a business setting
you should dress business casual
no jeans. Likewise
may mean black tie or simply a jacket and tie; be sure to clarify if you are unsure.

Stay away from clothes that are too sexy
Especially in a business setting
you do not want to show up in revealing clothes. It is not professional and will probably reflect poorly on you. This should also be the practice if you are attending your spouse's office party. If you are going out with your spouse for a night on the town
sexy clothes are more appropriate. There is a thin line between attractive and sleazy; be sure not to cross that line and embarrass yourself.

Keep it simple
The simpler you can keep your attire
the better. Nine times out of ten
you will be better off in a simple black dress than trying to coordinate slacks
a blouse
and three other layers of clothes. Make it easy on yourself when possible.

Too many sparkles
Many women will use the holiday season to wear a lot of sparkles and shiny clothes. This is fine in moderation; however
if you look like you have been wrapped in tinsel
you should probably go with something else.

Nothing can be as flattering as the right accessories. However
when used the wrong way
they can destroy a good thing. When you are choosing your jewelry
stay with subtle beauty -- nothing huge or gaudy. While some people can pull off Santa Claus earrings
most of us can not. Especially the more formal a party
the more conservative the jewelry should be.

When it comes to your face
you should also keep it delicate. Certain occasions will dictate red lipstick and more drastic makeup; however
you should be careful not to over-do it. Dark blush or rouge almost never looks good.
read more “Holiday Fashion -- Know It Or Santa Might Not Be The Only One Red-Faced”

Established in 1979
American Women's Services is proud to lead the way in setting a standard for women’s healthcare. We are fully committed to providing proficient
excellent women's reproductive health services in a professional
and compassionate manner. AWS has locations in New Jersey
and Virginia Beach. We are able to provide the best care because of the extensive knowledge and experience that our doctors
health care teams and administration bring to their work. Our services are provided in private office settings to assure confidentiality and individual support for each woman.

Our services include:
• Abortion Services
• Gynecological Services
• Emergency Contraception
• STD and HIV Testing

We provide current and safe abortion services and specialize in non-surgical and surgical abortion. We also have full range of gynecology services including emergency contraception
prescriptions for contraception
diaphragm fittings
IUD/IUS placement
and tubal occlusion. American Women’s Services is an expert
service-oriented women's healthcare organization that respects women’s health care choices.

Our AWS physicians are experienced healthcare providers who are devoted to providing quality reproductive health care services for women. Our health care teams work in collaboration with the doctors in each office to ensure that every woman receives the information and counseling necessary to make important reproductive health care decisions. We strive to make every patient’s experience as personalized and smooth as possible.

For more information on our services or to schedule an appointment
please call us toll-free
at 1-888-ABORTION
hours a day to speak with one of our professionals who can answer your questions and make an appointment for you.
read more “High Quality Women s Reproductive Health Services”

The companies selling Lysine supplements have done a great job in getting people to buy a substance that has little value in managing a chronic herpes infection. Lysine has never been shown conclusively in clinical studies to be an effective long term treatment for herpes and in the short term it has never been shown to be more effective than a garlic supplement. Long term use of lysine supplements suppress the arginine levels in your body to a point where it begins to impair your immune system because your immune system does actually need a certain amount of arginine to function properly.

Like all things in your body
balance is the key. Your immune system depends on a good balance between lysine and arginine and the best way to achieve this is to get your lysine through your diet the way your body was designed to instead of through a pill. Eat the foods high in lysine
avoid the foods high in arginine. Simple.

You cannot manage herpes just by popping a pill whether it comes from a drug company or a "natural health" company. This isn't "the valley of the dolls" you actually can get through life without being dependent on pills.

Real management of herpes means strenthening your immune system so that it can keep the virus in check which is what your body is designed to do. You can accomplish this through taking real herbal medicine from an herbalist or by making it yourself.

Real management of herpes also means making the effort to eat an appropriate diet
stress management
and working on your emotional and mental relationship with the disease.

It does take more work to take care of your body naturally than it does to pop a pill. I for one think your body's worth it. I think your life's worth it. Some would disagree
but at least I've made the point.

Christopher Scipio
Holistic Viral Specialist
read more “Herpes And The Lysine Lie”

Here comes the sun,
the Beatles chorused. And as children most of us heeded the call enjoying long lazy days in the sun
laughing and cherishing time with friends. As we grew older
we were told the sun’s rays were destructive; the ozone layer was near depletion. Soon many asked: “Why leave the house in the first place?”

Is it any wonder researchers are finding us vitamin D deficient (Ref. Harvard Health Letter 2006)? To understand why this is significant it is first important to inquire: What exactly does Vitamin D do? Yes
Vitamin D is necessary for strong bones and teeth
but what most don’t know is it is key in reducing the risk of many types of cancer including breast
prostate and ovarian (Ref. The American Journal Of Public Health).

Studies now conclude that 15 minutes in diffused sunlight can set off the metabolic process in skin which creates vitamin D. Yet before tanning yourself beyond recognition: use your head. This is not permission to stay in the sun for long periods as its aging qualities are still applicable. Limit yourself to 15 minutes and choose parts of the day when you are not in direct sunlight. You know
even on a cloudy day you are absorbing the suns rays and it can also penetrate through clothing. Therefore
if you do choose to increase your exposure; use common sense.

If the sun or outdoor activities are not for you
there are other options to stock up on vitamin D as well. Salmon is rich with vitamin D
for example
as is milk. Or you could opt for cod-fish based supplements with vitamin D added. These additions to your diet are well worth your time and research. As always
do your homework and consult with your healthcare provider to choose a vitamin D option for you. Perhaps a healthy dose of fun in the sun will be just what the doctor ordered.
read more “Here Comes The Sun And I Say It s Alright”

Miscarriages could happen due to a plethora of reasons. Some of the most common causes are -

- Multiple pregnancies
- Increasing age. With increasing age the percentage of miscarriages also increase. As per statistics
for women who are less than 35 years miscarriages happen at a rate of 6.4%
between 35-40 it is 14.7% and over 40 it is 23.1%.
- Uncontrolled diabetes
- Affected by a soft tissue disease known as Scleroderma
- Fever over 100 degree F
- Smoking increases the risk by nearly 30-50%
- Earlier use of contraceptive pills could also be a reason.
- Women who conceive with IVF treatment
as in case of hormonal imbalance
- Abnormalities of the uterus

Preventive Measures

Some home remedies suggested to prevent miscarriages are

Drink raspberry leaf tea with a little Composition Powder. This helps to alleviate after pains of childbirth
uterine hemorrhage
and miscarriage.

True Unicorn Root is a very important tonic for women. It is very useful in healing female reproductive organs. It works pretty well for women who have a history of miscarriages due to chronic weakness. It can be used for the entire period of pregnancy as it has simulative properties. It is valuable for treating sterility and impotency problems.

You can drink one cup of false unicorn every half hour to prevent miscarriage.

You can have Squaw Tea
which prevents miscarriages and strengthens the uterus.

Boil 2 oz. wild yam and 1 oz. coltsfoot in 1 1/2 quarts of water for 20 minutes. Take 1 tsp for 1 every cup and have it 3-4 times a day.

Another recipe is take 1 part Black haw
parts false Unicorn root and 1 part Lobelia. Boil 3 oz herb in 1 1/2 quarts of water for 20 minutes. Drink 1 tablespoon with water at least 3-4 times daily.

False unicorn and Lobelia helps in the nurturing the reproductive system by supplying hormone building nutrients that helps in holding the pregnancy.

Avoid these herbs as they can poisonous and can induce abortion or miscarriages. Black cohosh
Blue cohosh
Celery root
Slippery elm douche
Western red cedar
Cotton root bark
Sweet flag
Golden seal
Juniper berries
Oil of sassafras
Bracken fern
Golden ragwort and Mugwort.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
read more “Herbal Remedies To Prevent Miscarriages”

These herbal breast enhancement pills are very quickly becoming the most talked about method of breast enlargement. The most popular alternative method to surgical breast enlargement is breast enhancement pills (also known as bust pills). If you have seriously tried all the other methods such as breast enlargement pills
then maybe this method. Research the ingredients in any breast enlargement pills you are considering. You will want to know the ingredients of any breast enlargement pills so you can research it for safety. As with any supplement
you should research and talk to others who have used a breast enlargement pills.

With a breast enlargement pills
you can stop taking it when you reach your desired size. Discover if breast enlargement pills can increase your bust size
or if herbal breast enhancement is the right alternative to cosmetic surgery. Search the internet for breast enlargement and you will find many sites that sell a breast enlargement pills. A quick Internet search on "breast enlargement" comes up with thousands of products
including creams
exercise devices
and hypnosis tapes. Information about breast enlargement pills
pumps etc.

This category generally includes pain killers
weight loss solutions
penis enlargement pills
breast enlargement pills
cancer and AIDS cures
etc. Most breast enlargement pills are merely vitamins and herbs
which do little more than give your body nutrients. Most breast enlargement pills contain phytoestrogens which are naturally occurring non-hormonal plant estrogens which stimulate female body to produce new breast tissue growth. Product reviewed range from natural breast enlargement and enhancement pills and products to acne & rosacea remedies.

Pueraria Mirifica Pills KWAOTIP THAI FDA. G. 187/42

Kwaotip is a premuim grade Thai traditional herbal formula derived mainly from White Kwaotip Krua (Pueraria Mirifica). After many years of research from Dr. Wichai Cherdshewasart
the studies indicated that this herb shows estrogenic and rejuvenate effects to the female body especially at the breast
facial skin
body skin
hair and vaginal epithelium. Thus elevate the appearance of the female secondary sexual characteristics and also the skin beauty.

ALL Natural Dietary Supplement

Hight Phytoestrogen (especially isoflavonet):

*Increases sensitivity and vitality

*Promotes silky shiny hair
keeps hair pattem bone calcium accumulation

*Enhances breast and skin appearance

*Serves as a anti-wrinkle agent

*Enhances physical and mental ability

*Serves as a fountain of youth

Ingredients: Pueraria Mirifica and other herbs (60 capsules per box)

Recommended Dosage: Take 2 capsules after breakfast and dinner.

Precautions: - Not for women under 20 years old.
- Women with developing cyst at the ovary
and uterus.
- Pregnant women and breast feeking mother should avoid taking this product.
- Women who are taking birth control pill should not take this product.
read more “Herbal Breast Enhancement Pills Very Quickly Method Of Breast Enlargement”

For most women and some men primping and preening their hair is a daily Olympic event that may or may not win them any medals for the way they look. In fact from bed head to hat head
most of us tress obsessed are prone to bad hair... probably because most of us suffer from bad hair hygiene.

Want healthier
sexier hair? Don't despair
do what you're told, and not what you do

Shower Power:

1. Go Au Natural: Most store bought shampoos contain astringent cleaners
which can be damaging to hair
note professionals. However
using products made from natural ingredients are less likely to rob your locks of essential oils and nutrients.

2. Get Familiar With Product Protocol: Make your product work for you. According to experts
the best benefits are achieved by emulsifying shampoo or conditioner in your hands
prior to applying. Massage into roots
then lastly
down sides of shaft (hair shaft
that is).

3.Less Is More: While washing hair daily may make you feel like it's squeaky clean
but in reality
daily cleaning can be damaging and drying. Instead wash hair every other day or two to three times per week. On "off days"
rinse with water and apply conditioner as needed
mainly at the ends.

4. Go Deep: Heat and color treated tresses need to be deep conditioned at least once a week. If hair is extremely damaged
experts recommend a concentrated hair mask in place of daily conditioner (for use from midshaft down).

Styling Suggestions:

1. Avoid Burnout: Many modern dryers are efficient at speeding up the drying process
but experts note that they were designed to be held high above the hair (preferable by a stylist) and to be circulated around a lot
so as to avoid overheating and damage. To avoid dryer burnout
experts recommend removing the nozzle and point your dryer downward. And
they suggest treating damp hair with a heat-protectant spray prior to drying.

2. Go With The Flow (Of Your Hair): Use fingers when styling your hair until it is about 80 percent dry
then pull out the brush. And
don't try to fight its natural tendencies.

3. Let It Breath: While many de-frizz or anti-frizz silicone based products help keep strands smooth and sexy
experts suggest applying them AFTER heat styling (for best results). Otherwise
they note they can have a "shrink wrap" effect
depleting your mane of moisture.

4. Brush Up On The Type Of Brush Your Using: According to experts
the best brushes are those with natural (boar) bristles
because they disperse your scalp's natural oils and keep them well greased.

Feeding Your Follicles:

1. Nourish Your Roots With An Adequate Diet: The best follicle fuel is found in omega-3 fatty acids
according to the experts. So
dive into some cold-water fish such as salmon and tuna and don't forget the protein (found in nuts and cheese).

Salon Suggestions:

1. Time Your Touch-Ups: Frequent color touch-ups according to the experts
can be beneficial in not only covering up the damage time has done
but also in preventing chemical damage
especially since keeping up with color means only roots will need a quick fix and stylists won't have to leave color on that long.

2. Protect Yourself (from color-fade): Professionals suggest ensuring color lasts by refraining from shampooing for 72 hours
using only color safe products. However
if you need a shower to style your hair only wet your hair and apply conditioner.

Salon Secrets:

A quick fix for frayed ends is simply applying a leave in treatment then giving them a blast of "fresh" air with a dryer.
read more “Healthy Hair Beauty Secrets From The Pros”

Genital herpes in some people may never show symptoms
but for others
the symptoms become so severe that complications develop
especially if sores or herpes blisters appear in other areas of the body.

Cold sores on the lips
called “herpes labialis”
are normally mild and may be considered a mere nuisance. But if these become prolonged
or severe
the use of antiviral treatments is recommended.

Blisters on the hands and fingers can also occur and it is called “herpetic whitlow”. Since the hands can practically reach all parts of the body
it has the greatest capacity to spread the virus. To prevent such a disaster
the hands must be covered with plastic or rubber gloves.

There can be blisters on the anus
too. The infection is called “herpes proctitis”. This infection is usually more painful and more distressing than genital herpes.

The eyes
especially that of the newborn
is also susceptible to the herpes virus. The infection is called “herpes keratitis” or “ocular herpes”. When this happens
or even when you only feel a painful irritation in your eyes
consult the doctor immediately. If ignored
herpes keratitis could lead to blindness.

Women who experience genital herpes outbreaks may also have vaginal yeast infections
called “vulvovaginal dandidiasis”. There will be swelling
and pain when the woman urinates or engages in a sexual activity. This is due to the presence of too many yeast organisms in the vagina. If you have vaginal yeast infections
it doesn’t mean that you also have genital herpes. The excess growth of yeast occurs for many reasons
such as when the woman is taking antibiotics or birth control pills
or when she is pregnant
or when she is wearing tight body-hugging clothes. Fortunately
with good hygiene
this type of infection disappears on its own.

the genital herpes virus can infect the cerebrospinal fluid and the tissues that surround the brain. This will result to meningitis and encephalitis. Meningitis is life-threatening especially when these occur: changes in vision
bulging on the baby’s head
and seizures. Encephalitis happens when the brain becomes swollen. It is also a life-threatening complication and have similar symptoms to that of meningitis. It can also lead to coma.

Other internal organs
such as the joints
and liver
may suffer complications when a person has genital herpes. These complications occur in people with ineffective immune systems
such as those with HIV
diabetes or cancer and those who are undergoing chemotherapy.

To avoid complications
you must again recall that HSV survives in mucus and may affect any part of the body where mucus is found.
read more “Health Complications With Genital Herpes”

A recent study revealed that the average handbag and its contents are worth a whopping 900 dollars! That's 120 billion dollars women are carrying around in handbags nationwide. And can you blame us
when there's such an abundance of variety in the handbag market?

It could well be argued that handbags have overtaken shoes as the luxury collectable accessory of choice for celebrities and ordinary women alike.

But in fact handbags may have as long and controversial a history as the ubiquitous high heel
and according to handbag historians they were used in a similar way - to show the status of the wearer.

In the fourteenth century
the richer and more powerful the person the more jewels and embroidery festooned the handbag. Not much has changed in the handbag world

Over the centuries handbags have gone through many adaptations and fashions
but the word 'handbag' was only coined in the 1900's. That decade also heralded the type of handbag we would recognise today - with bags getting increasingly smaller and the introduction of handbag fasteners
inner compartments and locks.

But that's enough history: clearly the most important time period in terms of handbags was the fifties
which saw the rise of the ultimate handbag designer houses; including Chanel
Louis Vuitton and Hermes.

Like Chanel's Number 5 perfume
some of these handbags have become instantly recognisable fashion icons; signifiers of the rich and the famous. Sadly
this means that showing off your new Louis Vuitton at the office party
or having a stash of Gucci handbags in the wardrobe
is out of the price range of almost everybody.

We should be grateful for the Internet
for perhaps giving us mortals a chance to own a genuine Gucci handbag without having to win the lottery or shoplift. The web is so full of second hand designer handbag dealers that auction giant Ebay have branched out with their own dedicated handbag site
e bags.

Even better
high street shops are increasingly living up the ideals set by the designer houses
and its never been more likely that you can buy a handbag for 8 dollars and pass it off as a unique one-off! Truly his decade ought to be the decade of the handbag: and specifically the stylish and affordable handbag. Handbag fans rejoice!
read more “Handbags - A Historical Perspective”

Hair transplant is one way that many are gaining their self-esteem back. Self-Image is a very important thing to have. To an extent
it dictates where you are going in life. Your self-image is made up of more than just your physical appearance
but that is a major component. If it takes hair transplant to get you back on a positive attitude in that regard
then you should do it.

Some men are perfectly content with less hair than they once had. Some are even lucky enough to look good bald. Unfortunately
these are the few. The rest of the many people who are losing their hair are losing their looks and confidence too. When you have plenty of confidence
you show it. People know that you mean business and that you expect to get what you want and need. And you usually do. However
when you walk into a place worrying how you look
or doubting yourself
you aren’t likely to project a strong image. And you are much less likely to get what you need
and deserve. This is why many people turn to hair transplant options.

If having a full head of hair again will give you that confidence you need to get around in life
then you should pursue it. Not for anyone else
but for you. Before you decide to do hair transplant
you should look at your options. If a wig is all you need
more power to you. However
many wigs look way to obvious to do a lot of good in this area. You can also talk to your doctor about treatments for natural hair re-growth. However
make sure that you understand all possible side-effects before you start taking it.

When all else fails
there are hair transplant options. And thanks to modern technology
it is actually possible without scarring. But before you commit
make sure that you know what you are getting yourself into. Find out what can go wrong
and what your chances are. Also ask about how long the procedures will take and any recovery times. Be informed.

you should find out who you want to do it. Look at people who do hair transplant options and find out about them. You can even go visit with them and ask to see previous work that they have done if they have it available. If you know anyone who has had it done
see who they would or wouldn’t recommend. After you have all the information that you can get
go and retrieve your self-confidence with hair transplant technology.
read more “Hair Transplant For Self-Image”

It's no secret that there is a lot of misleading beauty advice out there. So
where should you turn for the latest styles
trends and advice? A good place to start is with a leading
reputable hair style magazine or black hair magazine.

When you choose one of the leading hair style magazines or black hair magazines over other publications
you gain access to the latest trends and insider secrets in the beauty industry. No longer will you have to wait until a trend becomes popular and dozens of people are wearing it before you catch on. By subscribing to a hair style magazine
you can keep your eye on the upcoming styles and get them before anyone else.

which style magazine should you buy? Here are reviews of five of the leading hair style magazines to aid you in your decision (and details of how you can get them at discounted prices):

" American Salon. American Salon is the leading hair style magazine among professionals. Inside the pages of this magazine are insider trade secrets
trends and techniques that have just been introduced by top-of-the-line beauty professionals. Here you can learn about the latest innovative products and beauty treatments
the newest cutting and color trends
and other tidbits of knowledge at the same time that the professionals do. While this magazine is great to keep informed of all that is going on in the beauty industry
it is not ideal for choosing your next hair cut. Filled with industry jargon and how-to articles
most of the information contained in this hair style magazine would not be fully appreciated by a non-professional.

" Celebrity Hairstyles. If you're looking for all of the hot styles worn in Hollywood
Celebrity Hairstyles could be just the hair style magazine to bring it all together for you. Ever wonder how Hilary Duff and Faith Hill got those softly tousled locks? Wonder no more. Not only is this hair style magazine full of color photos of the latest celebrity styles
it also has technical how-to information that you can take along with you to the salon.

" Hype Hair. When it comes to finding a leading black hair magazine
there is none better than Hype Hair. Called the "the style handbook for today's black woman
Hype Hair features up-to-date innovative hairstyles, interviews, contests and funky fresh hair styles. From the sleek and sedate to the funky and corn rowed, there is a style for everyone in this black hair magazine.

Modern Salon. This hair style magazine is similar to American Salon in that it caters to professionals only. Featuring the latest trends and interviews with top professionals
Modern Salon takes a fresh and modern look at the beauty industry in its entirety including nails
skin care.

" Short Hair Styles. This is perhaps the hair style magazine and black hair magazine that I have seen brought into the salon most often by clients. The pages of Short Hair Styles are filled with color photos of the latest color and cutting styles. In here
you can find a cut for any texture of hair and ethnicity. From the textured spike to the soft curled
there is really a short style for everyone in this magazine.

In addition to these hair style magazines
there are several women's magazines that offer great hair care advice. Vogue
Glamour and First are just a sampling of the many magazines that feature in-depth hair care articles and advice from top hair care professionals. For many
these magazines are the best way to keep up with current trends and style ideas.

These are just a few of the many hair style magazines and black hair magazines available
but they are top of the line. Whether you're a professional or someone just looking for a cool new style
you cannot go wrong with hair style magazines. And finally
the best news is that you can get most of them at heavily discounted prices. For further details check my website at
read more “Hair Style Magazines Dont Waste Money These Are The Best”

Hair straighteners are more popular than ever. I use a Sedu hair straightener
most of my friends do and if you still don’t use a hair straightener I certainly recommend using one. But does this high temperature straightening technique safe for our hair? Well
not necessarily. Actually
could be destructive and totally ruin our hair.
Read on to find the best tips for using a hair straightener and maintaining a healthy hair:

1. Check the heat distribution of the hair straightener – Some hair straighteners
mostly those with metal plates
have an uneven temperature among the surface of the plates. You hair could be severely damaged if one end of the plate will have a temperature of 180c and the other of 210c. Sedu hair straightener and other straighteners with ceramic plates usually have an even distribution of the heat.

2. Check the quality of the temperature control function – Hair straighteners with ceramic plates usually heat up and cool down quickly
what gives you a better control. You should also make sure that you can choose from a wide selection of temperatures.

3. A low temperature is not effective- A hair straightener which has a max temperature of about 150c will be less effective – Your hair style may not last through the day.

4. Do not use the hair straightener when you don’t need it – Using the hair straightener on a daily basis may harm your hair. Try giving your hair a day off at least once a week.

5. Use hair oils to protect your hair – An excessive use of the hair straightener may dry your hair out. Use oils to protect your hair.

6. Use Hair straighteners with advanced technologies such as infra red radiation and ionic technology – These technologies protect your hair and can even improve the condition of your hair. Hair straighteners like the Sedu hair straighteners which have both technologies will keep your hair in the best condition.

Hair straighteners are as safe as any other hair style treatment – Use them wisely and carefully and enjoy the feeling of a straight smooth hair.
read more “Hair Straightener Is The High Temperature Safe For Your Hair”

In recent time there has been a great progress in the field of hair restoration and affordable hair replacement techniques. Today we have new and improved surgical techniques of hair replacement or hair restoration for both men and women.

Here are some guidelines to be followed while choosing a clinic for affordable hair replacement.

1) Determine your type of hair loss: Before determining hair replacement
you should get confirmed about the type of baldness you have. First of all you must know about the cause of your hair loss
for this purpose you can consult with your regular physician
a reputable hair surgeon or a dermatologist.

2) Define your goals: Before going to a hair replacement center
take a look at yourself in the mirror
if you are satisfied with your hair and appearance but worried about your future
then you should go for some other treatment of your hair and not hair replacement. Consult a hair specialist for advice.

3) Once you have chosen a hair replacement center then try to go for follicular unit hair transplantation since it is successful in most cases.

4) Find the most committed
experienced and reliable permanent hair replacement surgeon that you can
regardless of their location.

5) Have a discussion with other patients
who have undergone hair replacement transplant.

6) Time yourself for a personal consultation with your hair replacement surgeon.

7) Reflect upon and discuss the plans
side effects if any and gain a good understanding of your treatment.

8) Make sure you are a good candidate for affordable hair replacement and that you have reasonable expectations.

9) Search for an affordable hair replacement center that is popular. You can even browse through the Internet to find more options for an affordable and permanent hair replacement. You can even study the brochure of Tulsa hair replacement center; they are expert in male hair replacement.

10) Once you are confident with your permanent hair replacement decision
go ahead
and then wait for your beautiful transplanted hair to grow.
read more “Hair Replacement 10 Useful Tips”

Hair replacement is becoming more and more popular in the recent years among people who suffer from hair loss. Due to the advance of medical technology
hair replacement became more common – its prices got more reasonable and its outcome got better.

If you consider having a hair replacement
read the following first:

1. Permanent hair transplant surgery is not new. Actually
the first hair transplant surgery was held over 30 years ago.

2. Hair replacement transplant uses only your existing hair. That’s why in order to get a hair replacement transplant you must have hair in good condition at the sides and at the back of your head (“The donor areas”)

3. If you have almost no hair left over your head
hair replacement could not help you. There are different techniques of hair replacement transplant according to the ratio of hair fullness required.

4. Hair replacement is not only for men – It could be a good solution for female hair loss in some cases.

5. Hair replacement surgery is usually safe and has no side effects. However
in some cases there could be infections like any surgery.

6. Hair replacement surgery is normally performed using a local anesthesia; you should little or no pain at all.

7. Hair replacement process requires several sessions with an interval of a couple of months between them. All the process can take up to two years.

8. You will be asked to refrain of any sport activity after each hair replacement session.

9. Make sure that your physician has performed a lot of hair replacement processes and that he knows and has an experience using all the different techniques.

10. Hair replacement is a completely individual process. You must ask the physician how your hair will look after the process.

Hair replacement is a legitimate hair loss solution. However
it is an extreme one. We strongly advice you try other hair loss solution before trying this one.
read more “Hair Replacement 10 Things You Need To Know When Considering A Hair Replacement”

What if you do not have to use any hair removal method and your hair stops growing at places you do not want it? Can you believe that happening? Eflornithine Hydrochloride does that. Also called as
Vaniqua (a brand) this chemical is now available as a cream in the strength of 13.9%. It has been found that this cream stops hair growth if used for a long period.

Eflornithine Hydrochloride works by stopping the action of enzyme- ornithine decarboxylase that is mainly responsible for stimulating hair growth. It is to be applied twice a day for a minimum period of two months to show results in most of the users. In some users
the results may appear faster. You will continue using your standard hair removal method till that time. This cream is well absorbed by the skin
and you will begin observing difference in hair growth on your face in short time.

Many women have abnormal hair growth problems such as hirsuitism. Some women experience unwanted hair growth during menopause and some suffer from hormonal diseases and polycystic ovarian syndrome. Because of these hair appears on unwanted places on the face and affects the psychology of the sufferer.

For better results
apply the cream twice a day and leave it in place for at least four hours before washing off. You can apply your cosmetics after the cream is absorbed by the skin and has dried. You should consult your doctor about proper use. Stopping use of this cream for long term may reduce the effects seen. It is well tolerated by most women and if you experience any side effects
you should consult your doctor. Proper use of this cream can get you out of trouble of hair removal forever. Please talk to your doctor about Eflornithine hydrochloride in detail before using it and find out how best to use it.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
read more “Hair Removal Without Trouble With Eflornithine Hydrochloride”

Fear no longer the ignominy of unwanted body hair. If you have been willing to walk should somebody show you the way
you have come to the right place for hair removal solutions. Here we present some of the popular hair removal solutions like laser hair removal among others which can offer you the flight of fantasy that you have been seeking for so long to become truly beautiful.

Laser hair removal: The latest technology in the long list of hair removal solutions
laser hair removal offers a easy to use
extremely effective method to get rid of unwanted body hair and is long lasting in its effect. Men and Women alike have benefited from this superb technology which promises unwanted hair removal from virtually any part of the human body. The principle of hair removal by laser is based on the fact that thermal agitation of the hair follicle and bulb under the skin causes the bulb to destabilize
break down and forego the capability of regeneration. Thus laser hair removal is precise and effective in hair removal.

Shaving: The most common and the oldest hair removal solution in the market today and world different from laser hair removal. Shaving is a self administered hair removal solution in daily use by both men and women for getting rid of body hair. The equipment required is low-tech : a shaving razor
brush and cream is all that you need. However the application is limited to only areas on your body that you can see and reach and is not definitely applicable for the tender areas on the human body. This is not a permanent hair removal solution as well.

Tweezing: Otherwise called plucking
this method involves using a pair of tweezers to pull the hair out of the skin to ensure hair removal. This method is particularly painful and suffers from the same drawbacks of shaving in terms of permanence of effect and areas of applicability. It is hard to imagine that laser hair removal and tweezing essentially are solutions to virtually the same problem.

Electrolysis: Before the onset of laser hair removal
electrolysis was widely touted as a very effective method for hair removal. It’s different from hair removal by laser in the sense that
instead of a laser beam destabilizing the hair root
it’s an electric current that does the same job. This treatment also needs to be administered for a longer period of time as compared to laser hair removal and is definitely not for the faint hearted.

In our opinion amongst all the options of hair removal available in the market today
laser hair removal seems to be the most promising. Its just a matter of time before the technology becomes so prevalent that even for the unfortunate few for whom cost is a hurdle
it will be within reach of their financial boundaries!
read more “Hair Removal Solutions Laser Hair Removal And Others”

Some of us have problem of hair loss
while a majority wants to get rid of hair from different places on the body. It may the bikini are
or the thin hair line over the upper lip
or hair on the chest and back of men
or hair on legs
and armpits. Everybody wants to know about the method that will help remove hair for a long time without undergoing much trouble. Let us take a brief look at the methods of hair removal.

Waxing- One of the oldest and most common methods for hair removal is waxing. Waxing can be done both with cold wax and hot wax and now with waxing kits available in the market
you can wax yourself at home. In hot waxing
hot wax is spread on the skin
covered with a strip of cloth
allowed to dry and pulled off in the opposite direction of hair growth. This pulls away most of the hair from the hair shaft. This method may be painful and you must take care of the temperature of hot wax
and skin irritation after waxing. Waxing can also cause folliculititis
ingrown hair a
scars and hyperpigmentation.

You can wax any part of the body
small or big in size
except the bikini area. If you are taking oral Vitamin A derivative pills such as Isotretnoin
you need to avoid waxing till your doctor advises. It also applies to topical applications of Vitamin A derivative creams. All these products dry the skin and there is a possibility of hurting the skin while waxing. You should avoid waxing if you have irritated skin
broken sun burnt or bruised. Waxing should be performed on healthy skin only.

Waxing removes hair from the root of the shaft and removes a large quantity of hair at a time. It takes about two weeks for hair to grow. With repetitive waxing of hair
you can expect less hair because of permanent damage to the hair follicle.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
read more “Hair Removal- All About Waxing”

One of the easiest methods of hair removal is application of a cream or gel and wiping it off after some time to see the skin free of all unwanted hair. Depilatories are chemical based formulations that dissolve the keratin in the hair by breaking the disulfide bond. The hair weakens from the surface and can be easily wiped clean.

Depilatories are chemical based
so you will be looking for any allergic reactions. Read the instructions carefully before using the product and test it. Put a small spot and wash it off after the given time. Wait for any reaction on that spot for a day and if you see no reaction on your skin
use it. Again be careful that depilatories are formulated in different strengths. You must not use high strength products on your face without reading the instructions clearly. One advantage of depilatories is that it can remove very coarse hair without much trouble. But since the hair is removed from the skin surface and not from the hair shaft
this method is very temporary. The hair grows back in very few days.

After applying the depilatory on your skin remove it in the given time or when your skin begins stinging. As the chemical dissolves the hair
it may also be hurting the skin. Do not forget to remove the product in the given time. If you begin feeling irritation after using depilatory
ask your doctor for a prescription cream to be used before applying depilatory. Your doctor may prescribe a very low strength steroid cream for that. If you have any skin problem
it is best to consult your doctor before using depilatory. A cheap and convenient way to remove hair
depilatory is surely a friend of those who are looking for hair removal.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
read more “Hair Removal- All About Depilatories”

Looking to remove some of those unsightly hairs form certain regions of your body? There are several options
each with its advantages and disadvantages.

Hair removal used to be the sole territory of women (North American women
at that!) but such is the case no longer. Men are getting hair removed in ever greater numbers
and for most of the population that is a good thing. The question for both men and women who wan to have hair removed is; ‘What treatment should I go for?” There are a few options
including the traditional razor
and a relatively new technique
laser hair removal.

The razor
of course
is tried
and cheap. However
if you remove that hair with a razor
be prepared for a lot of repeats. This can cause skin irritation and roughness. Also
using a razor on some of body parts is virtually impossible- men who want to shave their backs are going to be pretty much out of luck.

One alternative to the razor is waxing. Waxing is more expensive than using a razor
but it also lasts much longer. Waxing is also a better option for areas with a large amount of hair
and it even cuts down on some work. Waxing can also be done with more precision that using a razor
which is great for a nicely sculpted look.

The drawback to waxing
of course
is that it hurts. Make no mistake
you are ripping the hairs out be the root
and there is pain involved. Many people brave the pain
and are rewarded with a long term
beautifully sculpted hairless area. If the thought of waxing makes you want to run away screaming
there is another option.

Lasers are the latest rage in all sorts of cosmetic procedures
and hair removal is just one. Removing unwanted hair with lasers is painless
and as with waxing the effects are long term. Some people believe laser hair removal is permanent
but in fact it takes several treatments before the hair stops growing altogether. The downside to laser hair removal
of course
is the price. It is a very expensive procedure. Utilizing laser hair removal in just the bikini area can run upwards of $1
The cost of just one section of leg can be as high as $2
a lot of areas in life
ease comes expensively. The more you are willing to spend
the more convenient the hair removal you may purchase. If you go the expensive route
make sure to shop around before signing the credit card bill!
read more “Hair Removal From Razor To Laser”

Oiling ones hair is one of the most important things
if we want to take care of our hair. It is very necessary that hair is given proper treatment which would mean a massage with some of the most beneficial oils.

Having the right kind of oil for your hair is very important and so is oiling your hair. Many of us have a hectic schedule due to which
oiling and washing our hair holds the last priority. If you want healthy hair and one which lasts longer - oiling is the best remedy.

There are so many oils in the market which tells you tales about the benefits it provides. Before jumping in the bandwagon with others
check it from which company you are buying the oil. A trusted and known company is very important as there are many duplicates in the market.

Having good hair oil is not enough eating the right kind of food also helps. Harmful foods such as canned and processed food which do not protect your hair instead damage it
should not be eaten. Fresh coconut is very good for your hair.

For beautiful and strong hair
massage your scalp with hair oil and leave it overnight. You can also use a steamed towel to cover your hair for half an hour for best results. This gives your hair a shiny and lustrous look.

Oiling your hair everyday would be too much to ask for. But do this at least thrice a week for beautiful hair. It does make a lot of difference if you keep doing this regularly as it is bound to show on your hair.

The massaging and oiling of your hair stimulates the blood circulation
which in return helps your hair. Due to the oil your hair is protected from the strong and hot sun rays. The oil also gives your hair that extra shine.

Some of the most popular and very beneficial oils which are being used for beautiful long hair with indefinite good qualities are

Jojoba Oil - can be used for dry hair as it helps to moisturize your hair properly. It helps to soften your hair and can be used to detangle your hair before shampooing.

Olive Oil - strengthens your hair and nourishes it due to inherent qualities it has. It helps to reduce stress and promotes the idea of healthy hair by providing elasticity to your hair.

Coconut Oil - is one of the oil which helps in the lubrication of the hair. The content in coconut oil like magnesium
calcium and iron happens to provide the best for your hair. It is very useful for damaged hair due to its ability to strengthen it.

Rosemary Herbal Oil - is very useful for the unwanted and flaky dandruff problems. Warm the oil slightly and apply it with the help of your fingers or cotton. Rub it well on the scalp and wrap with a hot towel.
read more “Hair Oil - A Need For Anyone And Everyone”

Menopause results in many physical changes in a woman’s body. There is a rapid hair loss menopause due to changes in the hormonal levels in the woman’s body. The female hormone estrogen balances out the effects of androgens like DHT. After menopause estrogen
production reduces. Testosterone in the woman’s body combines with an enzyme to produce DHT that causes hair loss menopause.

One way to combat hair loss menopause is to eat food that is more nutritious. A woman must eat green leafy vegetables that contain vitamins
zinc and copper. Intake of vitamin C
B and E in food promotes hair growth. One must eat herbs
as fennel seeds that are a good source of vitamin C. Citrus fruits are a good source of vitamin C. However
there must be a proper balance between vitamin C
zinc and copper intake. An increase in vitamin C and zinc inhibits absorption of copper and vice versa.

Another way to minimize hair loss menopause is to condition hair with natural products like henna. This gives natural color to the hair and is a good conditioner. One must use fewer chemicals in washing hair and change shampoos frequently. It is advisable to let hair dry naturally rather than using a hair dryer for the same.

Women must use a hairbrush to comb wet hair. This avoids breakage and thus reduces hair loss menopause. Women who swim must avoid exposure to chlorinated water. For this
they must wear a cap while swimming and use chlorine filter to filter the water during a shower.

Amino acids promote the growth of scalp hair. However
menopause occurs with aging when the body absorbs less amino acid. Therefore
women must take high sulfur content foods that contain amino acids
like eggs. Those allergic to eggs can consume sulfur in the form of a supplement that is available at all pharmacists. These diet modifications can greatly reduce hair loss menopause.

One can adopt measures to slow down hair loss menopause. This includes stimulating the scalp with a massage or simply running one’s fingers through one’s scalp. This stimulates blood flow and promotes hair growth.

Hair loss menopause greatly affects women’s self-esteem and confidence. This is because there is a change in their physical appearance with growing age. A good haircut that gives a fuller appearance to the hair is compulsory for such women.

Hair loss menopause is a natural phenomenon that is nonreversible. Changes in one’s diet and a stress on natural ingredients in hair maintenance can greatly prolong the life of one’s hair. One can take medication like propecia for hair growth or go for a hair transplant to get a new crop of hair. However
these treatments are long-term and costly. Therefore
one must weigh the risks and payoffs of every treatment before selecting the best solution for hair loss menopause.
read more “Hair Loss and Menopause”

Hirsutism: women with male pattern hair-

Many women develop hair on the chin
on the upper lip and on the abdomen. That looks very unsightly and any woman who has this condition would wish to get rid of it as early as possible. The problem that is known as hirsutism is serious in some women and psychologically affects them. Let us find out more about it.

Hirsutism: causes

In some races this is common condition and not taken seriously. While in most of the races overgrowth of hair in a woman at unwanted places is certainly a problem. This problem happens because of androgens. Androgens are male hormones. Women also have androgens. Sometimes a woman produces more of androgens resulting in overgrowth of hair in the male pattern. Sometimes a woman may be very sensitive to even the common accepted levels of androgens and that may cause hirsutism. Some anabolic steroids cause hirsutism and so do some hormone pills. If you are having any such side effect please consult your doctor.

Hirsutism: Quick facts

If you develop hirsutism immediately after puberty you should talk to your doctor. If hirsutism is accompanied by change in voice
you should consult your doctor. If a changer in menstruation pattern is accompanied by hirsutism
you should consult your doctor.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
read more “Hair Growing At Wrong Places- Do You Have Hirsutism”

Some people who weren't blessed with good hair are actually envious of those people who have the luxury of being able to wear their hair long and keep it that way in spite of whatever hassles that long hair may bring to a person. From taking a longer time in taking a bath as well as having to deal with all sorts of monthly hair treatments just to keep that long hair in tip

for those who are at times in the mood for longer hair
there are actually hair extensions that are proven to be a safe and fast way for people to be able to have longer hair. Through hair extensions
people will be able to have the length of hair that they want whichever time they want their hair to be long and for only several days (which means people who have hair extensions need not to worry about the hair extensions upkeep in the long run). Hair extensions are actually great for people who are thinking of growing out their hair into a long
luxurious mop from a short
boyish style hair cut.

Have you even noticed that a lot of celebrities nowadays tend to sometimes have longer hair then shorter hair the next? Well
it certainly is not a work of magic but a breakthrough in the field of both beauty and fashion wherein top hairstylists nowadays are doing these hair extensions on people who do not have the patience nor time to grow their hair long. When it comes to growing one's hair
there are certainly a lot of things that a person needs to do in order to keep it looking beautiful. Of course
when it comes to growing one's hair
it is highly important that you actually maintain it in a good condition otherwise long hair will just make you look untidy.

Through hair extensions
having long hair is really a breeze. You just come in the salon and have it made and after a few hours
you have perfectly nice long hair. Hair extensions are actually highly in demand hair treatments at the salons nowadays wherein a lot of their clients all want to have some hair extensions added to their natural mane in order to look a little more girly
sophisticated and even a bit sexy.

For most people who come to the salons for a hair extension treatment
they usually opt to have the human hair extensions in order to achieve a natural look as compared to the synthetic type of hair extensions that actually has a different texture. And since human hair extensions are highly in demand nowadays
be prepared to shell out a little more cash for these human hair extensions
because human hair extensions can actually set you back around $1
you are worried about having to spend the whole day at the salon while having your hair extension treatment
then you really need not worry about a thing since having a hair extension treatment is actually a quick and easy method wherein you will end up with a wonderfully dramatic fix for your hair and the hair extensions can actually last you for five full months (but of course
you need to be go on a little easy when you brush
style or wash your hair).

Another popular option when it comes to having hair extensions
is to have the synthetic type of hair extensions which is the less expensive choice as compared to the human hair extensions and contrary to what other people might say
synthetic hair extensions actually looks just as natural as the human hair extensions that are extremely pricey.

But how are the hair extensions actually applied to your natural hair anyway? Well
the hair extension is actually placed on a small part of your hair. Your hair and the hair extension will be sort of braided together so that the hair extension will have something to hold onto. Next
after the braiding session of the hair extension treatment comes the bonding session wherein a bonding solution for your hair extension is applied then heat will then be applied to the treated area which will secure the hair extensions to your natural hair.
read more “Hair Extensions - The Fast Way To Grow Your Hair Out”

Egg has become an important part of your hair and skin care diet. Everyone wants to have beautiful and lustrous hair. With the use of raw eggs anyone can find themselves with beautiful hair. One need not cross the seven continents to find a raw egg. Every house can easily get a good supply of raw eggs. These can be used for making some of the best hair conditioners. The properties of egg create a needed impact on your dull and dry hair. It helps the hair to recreate itself. It maintains the texture of your hair by the presence of the important elements.

Some Home Based Recipes

For strong and beautiful hair you can mix 2 egg yolks (depending on length of your hair) with 2 tsp. castor oil. Massage this mixture on your hair. Keep it for sometime then rinse it thoroughly.

Whip up two raw eggs. Pour this mixture on your hair by massaging. Let it dry. Shampoo your hair and then give vinegar and water rinse. Follow this procedure every month for soft and smooth hair.

Beat egg yolk thoroughly to make a frothy solution. Add 1 tsp baby oil and beat again to make a proper mixture. Add water to this mixture and apply it all over your scalp. Once dry
rinse well to get a proper conditioned treatment.

Mix egg yolk in 1/4 cup of yogurt with a little lime skin. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply it to every single strand of hair. After applying keep it for 10 minutes and then wash it off. The combination of yogurt and egg is very good for your hair.

Mix a whole egg to lemon juice. Whisk it properly. Once applied on your hair keep it for sometime. Rinse it thoroughly. This combination gives a shine to your dull hair.

Beat egg yolk to make a frothy paste. Add 1/2 tsp. olive oil and beat the mixture again. Slowly and steadily add 3/4 cup of luke warm water. After shampooing
massage this conditioner and leave it for few minutes. Rinse it later.

It is a good hair treatment for people who are in water most of the times like swimmers
surfers etc. Mix egg
olive oil and peeled cucumber to make a good mixture. Spread it evenly on your hair and keep it for 10 minutes. Rinse it thoroughly.

Mix together 1 tbsp. honey
egg yolk
tsp. almond oil and 1 tbsp. yogurt. Make a frothy paste and apply it on your hair. Rinse it in 1/2 hours time. This will smooth your hair and moisturize it evenly.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
read more “Hair Care Through Egg”

Makers of hair bows have to quickly learn that there are different widths of ribbons. The width is the length across the ribbon. The more common widths used are 1.5”
and 3/8”. Some the lesser used ones are the really wide ribbons in 2.25”
which make a really large and thick hair bow. Sometime ribbon factories make ribbon in 1” widths. This width is very close to the 7/8” and is sometimes hard to tell the difference. Ribbon manufacturing companies can come out with their own unique widths
but generally
these are your only options.

The 1.5” width is a good ribbon width to start with because there is more to hold and work with. The 7/8” or 5/8” widths are good for making center knots for the bows. The 3/8” is a nice width for very little bows or they make a nice center for a larger hair bow. I would not suggest knotting a 3/8” width ribbon unless it was for a very tiny hair bow
or you are placing it on top of a 7/8” or 5/8” width ribbon and then knotting it for a fun look.

Some ribbon makers like to use wood burning tools for what they call “heat sealing” their ends. Most grosgrains will melt at very high temperatures
and that is simply all bow makers mean when the say their ends are heat sealed. There are now other tools being made just for sealing off ribbon ends to keep them from fraying
and several ribbon web sites are now offering them to their online customers for making hair bows.

Another popular way to keep your ribbon ends from fraying is by applying Fray Check™ or any other brand to the ends of your ribbon. It is a liquid that
when dry
will harden and not allow the ends to fray. These products can be found in any craft store. Be careful when trying out different brands because some will leave a mark on the ribbon and not dry clear. You do not want to apply so much though that it drips off the hair bows or leaves a runny mark down the ribbon.

Then there are the hair clip or hair fastener options for hair bows. The alligator clip looks like an alligator’s mouth when it opens and closes. It generally has no teeth on this style of clip. They do however come in double pronged and single pronged. Single pronged is nice when you are going for the least heavy and bulky
and double pronged is nice when you need that extra prong to hold it in the hair.

A French clip is the kind that you squeeze two prongs to release if from the closed position
and will spring open like a mouse trap because of the tension it is under by the semi-loose bracket on the inside. That bracket is in the shape of a crescent.

Probably less common
are the plastic clip or barrette and a snap
which some makers of hair bows use
and they are pretty simple in nature and are plastic or metal so to give you the lightest possible weight on finished hair bows.
read more “Hair Bows Lingo”

Are you scared of paying far too much money for your belly button rings?

How will you feel getting the best price for that perfect piece of belly button ring you have always longed for?

Will it feel great if you can still get that perfect belly button of your choice without it costing you a fortune?

this feeling is not just a fantasy
but you can actually bring it to live because there are now reputable online stores that can sell you the belly button rings of your choice for discount. You don't have to pay full price anymore for the belly button ring of your choice. Pay discount and save the remaining money to buy other items for your piercing.

To get the belly button rings of your choice at great discount on the Internet
take your time to search the Internet. You can simply enter terms such as "discount belly button rings"
low cost belly button rings
discounted belly button rings
cheap belly button rings
half-price belly button rings

These simple searches can mean a lot of extra money saved for you when you eventually buy your belly button rings at discount
instead of full price.

Visiting the websites you will find after your search will show you that it is a wise decision to make.

The search engines can give you websites that offer such belly button rings at great discount. But don't buy from any of the sites you find until you verify that they are indeed genuine.

You don't want to lose your money to fraudsters in your quest to buy the belly button ring of your choice.

The online sellers of belly button rings can give you great prices because they don't have too much overhead costs
not too many staff
etc. The extra money they save from these expenses they pass to you by selling you discount belly button rings.
read more “Guide To Buying Belly Button Rings At Discount Price On The Internet”

Women have been changing the appearance of their pubic hair for generations. Today
many use shaving or waxing to improve its appearance but others find these methods aren’t for them. They may have very sensitive skin
which is irritated by pubic shaving
or they are particularly sensitive to the pain of waxing. They find that grooming pubic hair is a better way for them to keep it looking neat without the risks of rashes
pimples and ingrown hairs
which are associated with removing pubic hair.

If you do decide waxing or shaving pubic hair isn’t for you
grooming pubic hair is very straightforward. Here’s how to get started.

Grooming pubic hair starts with daily exfoliating and moisturising of the pubic area. This keeps the hair and skin in good condition. If you wish to trim your pubic hair
wash and shampoo it. You can use a little conditioner too
so that the hair is tangle free. You’ll need a pair of small sharp scissors and a large-toothed comb to get started. A beard trimmer is even better. Set it to long length and then start trimming. Use scissors and a comb in the same way as a hair stylist does. Run the comb thru the hair and then cut against the comb.

Only take a little off at a time and remember to keep checking the mirror to see how you’re getting on. Curly hair will spring back when you’ve cut it so make sure you don’t cut it too short. Be careful you don’t cut yourself. Using a beard trimmer or pubic hair shaver is easier as you don’t’ have to worry about injuring yourself or trimming hair too short.

When you’ve finished trimming
take a shower to wash away all the hairs. As with shaving pubic hair
maintenance is important. Regular trimming will keep hair neat. How often will depend on how quickly your hair grows but every four days is about average.
read more “Grooming Public Hair - An Alternative To Removing Pubic Hair”

With the popularity of Lingerie boutiques in shopping malls across America the stigma of buying and wearing lingerie is now a thing of the past. However for women who’ve never bought lingerie before or are still a little shy about visiting a store here’s our guide for styles you are likely to encounter.

Baby Doll Set
A baby doll set encompasses a large category of lingerie items. Basically it’s a two piece set
consisting of a robe or loose billowy top and matching bottom. The top is always loose fitting and comes in just below the bust line
like an empire bodice. The top is very loose fitting and short
ending at or just below your rear. Baby doll sets are available in wide variety of fabrics from silk and satin to sheer lace.

A chemise is a short flowing A-line gown that’s longer than a baby doll. The top usually has spaghetti or halter straps. The angular shape of a chemise looks good on almost every figure type. If you are concerned about your mid-section look for a style that has built in figure control. Sometimes a chemise comes with a matching bottom
but this varies from style to style. The fabric choices range from patterned and solid silks to very revealing lace
so there is something for everyone’s taste.

A camisole is female undershirt. It is loose fitting and has thin spaghetti straps that go over the shoulder. It’s usually paired with a matching bottom. Camisoles are now also available as outwear. While they are not usually worn as formal office attire
they can be worn for casual occasions.

A corset is the opposite of a camisole. It’s a structured garment that has bones or ribs to force your body into certain proportions. The effects of a corset can be very dramatic
and can create a very enticing curvy shape. Some corsets are more difficult to wear than others
depending on how much shaping they are doing. If you’ve never worn one before choose something that’s not so difficult to get into. Corsets are also now being made as outwear. While not something you would wear to the office
they are perfect for a dinner party
club or night on the town.

Bridal Set
A bridal set or merry widow as it’s sometimes known also covers a wide variety of items. Basically it’s a set that consists of a bra
corset or camisole top. It also has matching panties
and usually a garter belt and stockings. The styles range from silk or satin sets with full coverage to skimpy string sets with very minimal overage.

Boy Shorts
If you’ve never heard of boy shorts think of sexy hot pants for your bedroom. They offer full coverage on the sides and some coverage on your rear. Conservative styles cover most if not all of your rear
the more daring styles give you partial coverage. Boy shorts are figure hugging or shaping
something those of us with less than perfect bodies will appreciate. They come in wide variety of fabric choices from comfortable cotton to see through lace.

Bikini bottoms offer full coverage on your rear
and have thin straps on the side. They are available in loose fitting of figure hugging styles in a wide variety of fabric choices.

A thong offers full to minimal coverage in the front
and has thin sides usually 1” to ฝ” in width that come to a t shape in the rear. The t-shape gives you practically no coverage on your rear. Thongs are now worn just as frequently outside of the bedroom as they are in it. If you are wearing tight
or figure hugging clothing a thong is your best solution to combat visible panty line. Cotton
lycra or micro-fiber fabrics are the most comfortable for extended wear thongs.

While the back of a thong has very minimal coverage with a narrow strip a g-string offers you no coverage
with a simple single strand or string
usually 1/8” or less in width
not for the faint of heart.

Garter Belt
A garter belt is made of piece of fabric that wraps around your hips and usually has four straps (one for the front and back of each leg). Sometimes the straps are attached to the lower edge of a corset or camisole top. These straps attach to the top of stockings
holding them up. The proper way to wear a garter belt is to attach the stockings first
then put on your panties. While this may look strange you’ll understand why the first time you need to visit the bathroom.

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read more “Good Girls Guide To Buying Lingerie”

If you’re planning to return to work after your baby is born
you may be concerned about managing both effectively. It is a time consuming choice
but many women do continue nursing even after they go back to work. And
in spite of the amount of time and dedication it requires
most women who have tried it
have been happy that they did. Here are some tips to help you manage the two successfully.

decide how you’re going to feed baby while you’re away. Some women have the caretaker feed the baby formula; others express breast milk for use while they are away. Either way
you’ll need to get your baby used to drinking from a bottle. At about six weeks old
introduce at least one bottle a day
filled with breast milk or formula
depending upon which you plan to use when you go back to work
at a time when you will be working later. Also
be sure to have someone else feed the bottle to the baby sometimes. This should help your baby get ready for the new routine.

Once you return to work
you’ll need to express milk at work for feeding to your baby the next day
if you plan to supplement with breast milk instead of formula. Be sure to figure out in advance where you’ll be able to nurse. Fortunately
more and more workplaces are creating private areas for nursing mothers. It’s also wise to freeze some breast milk before you go back to work
just in case you have a day at work that is so harried that you find yourself unable to nurse.

When you return to work
be prepared for some adjustment time for you and the baby. If possible
go back part time at first
to make this adjustment easier for both of you. And
if you can wait until baby is sixteen weeks old to go back
the adjustment to the feeding change will be even easier
because the breastfeeding routine will be better established.

There are many good reasons for continuing to breastfeed after returning to work. In addition to your baby’s continued nutritional benefit
you may also find that it’s easier to return to work knowing that you still have the close breastfeeding bond in the morning and evening. Take it slow
work out the kinks
and you and baby should be well on your way to a very rewarding situation.
read more “Going Back To Work When You re Nursing”

After many years of marriage I am finally learning to give my wife gifts that she actually enjoys. It took me a while to learn that women don't always like the same things that men do. My wife was very gracious in our early years of dating and marriage each time she would upwrap a new tool or a book about the newest fishing techniques. As I have taken time to learn my wife and her needs better I have come up with what I think is one of the best gifts for most women: bath accessories.

It took me years of knowing that my wife enjoyed a nightly bubble bath more almost any other activity to connect her love for a great bath with the gifts I chose for her birthday
Christmas or Valentine's day. I began to think about gifts I could give her that would make her special baths even more enjoyable
and that began a long record of purchasing unique bath accessories for her for most special occasions.

I had no idea when I began giving my wife bath accessories the amount or variety of items that existed. I simply planned on buying her a jar of bubble bath because I assumed that was all she needed or would want. My first trip into a store that was specifically for bath accessories blew my mind. I'll admit that I was a bit intimidated and overwhelmed as I entered the store. My eyes didn't know where to look and my nose took a few minutes to adjust to the plethora of aromas.

For anyone looking for the perfect gift to give a bath-loving- woman
look no further than to a bath accessories store. There are a lot of gift options if you do not know what to choose. As I said
I began with buying my wife a simple bottle of bath bubbles
but on my second or third trip back to the bath accessories store I got creative. I began purchasing small scented candles and candleholders that now adorn the sides of our tube. I got her two CD's of soothing instrumental music to enjoy while she relaxes in the bath. I even bought her a bath pillow that allows her to rest her head and neck without pain or awkwardness.

I'll admit
once I began buying my wife bath accessories and seeing how much she loved them I went a little over the top. But I have no regrets because I have learned how to love her better by giving her gifts she really loves. I'm telling you
bath accessories are the way to a woman's heart.
read more “Give The Gift Of Bath Accessories”

The holiday is almost here and you know what that means! That means that it is time to start thinking about getting her that perfect necklace. All women fall over themselves to get a heart necklace. The heart shape is the universal symbol of love and this holiday season is the season for you to get the love of your life her very own heart shaped necklace.

You have a few different choices
many actually. It seems like the heart necklace is getting more and more creative all of the time. Who knew that there were so many things to be done with a simple heart design? It is amazing what these jewelers come up with and they are all so gorgeous.

There are a multitude of gem choices for you to choose from as well as metals. You can choose silver
platinum or gold. I have even seen some magnificent copper heart necklaces out there in stores. Of course the two top sellers as far as gems go are rubies and diamonds but that does not mean you cannot choose a different stone. If the love of your life loves aquamarines or emeralds then choose them
whatever will make her the happiest of all is the way to go.

There are also a few different places that you can go to buy your heart necklace. There are the typical offline stores that are a favorite among many and there are the stores online. When it comes to online shopping you can choose a retailer
a wholesaler or even an auction site. Each of these types of stores have their own pros and cons. My advice is to check out all of you options in order to see where you can get the best price on the most gorgeous heart shaped necklaces. Chances are you will find the best deals online so start there.
read more “Give A Heart Necklace This Holiday”

If you're tired of your gifts looking like everyone else's
put some creative thought to it. Gifts don't have to just be paper and ribbon that you bought at the store. Let some of these ideas inspire you.

* Name Tags - Instead of using name tags
use the front cover from leftover Christmas or other holidays. Just cut along the crease and glue or tape the card to the top of your wrapped package. Most designs have some unprinted space to allow you to write the name of the recipient and a short note.

* Decoration - Instead of using ribbons and bows
make the decoration part of the gift. Tie a bunch of cinnamon stick on top with ribbon. Tie your package with satin or velvet ribbon and let the ends of the ribbon flow down the package. Add a silk flower inserted in the knot of the bow. If your recipient likes to cook
tie wooden kitchen utensils in the bow. Your ribbon or wrapping paper could be replaced with a decorative kitchen towel.

* Festive boxes - For small items
buy small Chinese take out cartons
the ones that have a folded top and metal handle. Decorate the outside with brightly colored stickers of hearts
or Christmas themes. Write the recipients name on the top flaps.

* Original Wrapping Paper - At the craft store
buy sponges that have been cut into shapes of flowers
etc. Dip them in paint and press them onto plain white wrapping paper or Kraft colored paper. Your decoration can fit the gift or the recipients taste.

* Trimmings - Instead of using bows on every package
buy ornaments or small toys when they are on sale. Use these items that best fit your recipient's hobby or lifestyle and tie or glue them onto your package.

* Name Sacks - Sew up some red
and green velvet squares into sacks. Turn down the top edge
sew in place to allow a small opening for a drawstring. Write the recipients name on the bag with glue and sprinkle the glue with glitter. Fill the sacks with candy or small toys. Use more string to wrap around the package and through the drawstring to secure the sacks.
read more “Gift Wrapping Ideas”

Non-dyed hair never has perfectly even color. Bleach is not a hair dye its more of a color strip. If you only want a 100% all natural hair dye then use the plant based henna hair color. Meanwhile
temporary dyes and highlight treatments should be able to color hair without the need for harsh chemicals.

More specifically
the question is which color of hair will hair dye affect the most. Never mix different hair dye products
because you can induce potentially harmful reactions (if not an unappealing hair color). White girls can dye their hair any color they want.

The same hair color dyes are used as are used in other permanent hair color products. Because permanent dyes contain hydrogen peroxide
they cover gray hair more effectively and can be used to lighten hair color
unlike other dyes. Underground Color is a semi-permanent hair dye
which means it won't wash out the next day. The law does not require that coal tar hair dyes be approved by FDA
as is required for other uses of color additives.

The solution of hair dyes does not allow for any
color change when
and if
you feel it's time to do so. However frequent applications would be required to sustain the color as the dye fades with time
exposure to environment and regular washing of hair.

I use to dye my hair blue black and wanted to change it to red. When you color your hair the first time
you have to dye out your normal hair melanin color and replaced it with red dye. Therefore
some bats are marked with black hair dye and the other are marked with red hair dye.

You see that luscious red head on the hair dye box and you think
Wow! I'm getting ready to do that to my black hair and dye it red on top of that. But the red color is not going to come out exactly as seen in the model of the Hair Dye box. As a rule of thumb, the color you will get depends on your natural hair color.

If you have dark hair, your red will come out a dark red, and if you have very light, or blonde colored hair, your red well come out flaming red! So, don’t always believe that you will be getting exactly the same color as portrayed in the box.
read more “Getting The Right Hair Dye Color”

Most women reading this are thinking that they already know how to get ready for a date
and this is a similar situation. While that’s true
you may want to read this over anyways to make sure that some little details are attended to.

When You’re In The Shower

You will want to take a shower because a bath might make you sleepy for the rest of the evening—and you don’t want that.

Before you get into the shower
make sure that you have a razor
shaving scream
face soap
and anything else that you normally need. With everything on your mind right now
you don’t want to have to keep getting out for things that you have forgotten.

Wash your body very carefully first. You can scrub with one of those poofy sponges and some bath gel for a light
clean scent. You will want to use lukewarm water so that your skin doesn’t dry out too much.

Wash your hair carefully and don’t use too much conditioner. If your hair is generally clean to begin with
you may even want to skip this step. Hair that is slightly dirty is much easier to style.

After you’ve been in the shower for a while
you’re ready to shave. Shave your legs completely and don’t forget the underarms. Of course
you can omit these steps altogether for personal preference.

Another Shaving Question

Most women want to know if they should shave their private area completely.

This is completely up to you and your comfort level. One thing to note is that if you’ve never done it before this night
it will not end well. This skin is very sensitive and you could end up with a nasty rash.

If you are planning on giving it a try
you will want to start the process out a few weeks a head of time. Start by trimming the hair down and then go ahead and use a razor
or wax (ouch). Or you can go to a salon to have this done.

A lot of men like the ‘bare’ approach
while other men prefer a half and half layout. It’s interesting to note that the less there is
the more excited you can get. Just a thought.

Dressing It Up

Get out your best lingerie ladies. This is the time for the ‘fun’ stuff that’s been sitting in your drawer. Or maybe you want to buy something special for the occasion. A nice bra and panty set is best.

Wear a nice outfit that is revealing
but in a classy way. You may feel comfortable showing a little cleavage
but you may want to keep it subtle when you’re wearing a short skirt.

Makeup Or Not?

Since it’s going to be an exciting night
you do want to put a little makeup on to make yourself look fantastic. Like the clothes
you will want to play up your best features.

A nice dark lipstick (if it looks good on you) is best with softer makeup on the rest of the face.

You may also want to consider waterproof and smudge resistance makeup to keep the look on until you get home.
read more “Getting Ready For Women”

Light is vital to the existence of all living things. You need natural sunlight to provide you with a controlled amount of ultraviolet rays. Just like the tanning bulbs
it could provide you with a change of skin tone because the bulbs contain ultraviolet A and B rays. But excessive amounts of sunlight could dry your skin or damage it – it is also the case with tanning bulbs.

Do you often visit a tanning parlor? Do you own a tanning bed in your house? Do you really know how to use your tanning bed?

Here are some information in knowing your tanning bulbs:

* The Basics. If it is your first time in a tanning salon
make sure you provide the experts with your skin condition. Sensitive skin would require a lower level of UV ray
so the intensity of the tanning bulb should be less than ordinary. If you have just purchased your own tanning equipment at home
make sure to do a research on the tanning bulbs you have bought. The level of the tanning bulbs would depend on the brand and model of the manufacturer. Be aware of the intensities the bulbs would cause your skin
to be able to control the tanning process.

* Maintenance. The placement of the tanning bulbs is important because if you fail to do this correctly
it could lead your lamp to dim or may result in an electrical power shortage. Make sure to clean the tanning bulbs when they are not in use because the cleaner the bulb
the amount produced of the UV increases by 10%. Cleaning the tanning bulb is easy because it doesn’t require soap. Make use of moist cloth regularly to keep it dust and oil-free.

make sure to replace the starter of the tanning bulb every time you change the tanning bulb of your equipment. When you replace a new bulb
the UV level becomes higher and would permit burning of the skin. Make sure to purchase the exact brand name or identical to the tanning bulb you made use of earlier.

* Usage. If you are tanning in a salon
make sure that there are experts monitoring you through the whole process. There should be controlled exposure to the UV rays depending on your skin type
the tanning equipment and the model of the tanning bulb. If you are using your own tanning equipment and you believe that the tanning bulbs are aging and you want to extend tanning - that is a bad idea. The aging of the tanning bulbs does not necessarily mean that the effect of the UV rays is decreased.

Now that you know the important information in handling the tanning bulbs and its equipments
you should follow these guidelines in a enjoying a safe and relaxing tanning.

If you’re inside the tanning equipment
the fact that your eyes are shut closed is not enough. There is an eye-protection recommended by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and you could purchase anywhere within authorized outlets. Without these protective gears
it could cause your eyes probable long-term damage.

The UV rays from the tanning bulb could make your skin dry. Since tanning when you have applied moisturized could work best in the beach or tanning parlors
it is healthier if you make sure to moisture your skin before and after exposing yourself to the UV rays.

Your skin produces melanin
but your lips don’t. Make sure to defend your lips from possible burning by using sunscreens or lip creams and ointments.

If you’re planning to expose your whole body onto the tanning bulbs
make sure to cover with a towel or cloth the parts that are not yet tanned. Then gradually remove the cloth after two or more tanning sessions.

And lastly
if you have problems with your health
remember to visit your doctor first before planning to go to a tanning parlor. With the tanning bulbs producing UV lights
these could have a side effects if you’re on medication.

Here are the facts. Your job is to follow the guidelines to achieve having a great tan in a safe environment. Know your tanning bulbs
so it could serve you better.
read more “Getting A Great Tan With Tanning Beds”

The last Northern gold rush occurred in the late-19th century in the Yukon when tens of thousands of prospectors made their way to Dawson City to find their fortunes. Since then
miners and oil workers have continued to seek wealth in the North. In the past decade
history has repeated itself with the discovery of diamonds in Canada's North.

Diamond exploration in Canada began in the 1960s
but major discoveries of diamond-bearing kimberlite ore did not occur until the 1990s. With the discovery of diamonds in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut in 1991
Canada has risen to become one of the top three diamond producers in the world in terms of value
behind Botswana and Russia. Currently
Canada produces 15% of the world's diamonds. According to Statistics Canada
million carats of diamonds worth approximately $2.8 billion have been mined in Canada between 1998 and 2002. To put it in perspective
each day Canada produces one 1.5 kilogram bag of diamonds worth $1.5 million. It is hoped that the diamond mines will provide income for decades to come.

In 1991
the first diamonds were found at Point Lake near Lac de Gras in the Northwest Territories
some 300 kilometers northeast of Yellowknife. Soon after the initial find
two diamond mines were opened in this region
the Ekati and Diavik mines. Diavik is approximately 100 kilometres southeast of Ekati. A third diamond mine
began production in 2005
in Nunavut. A fourth diamond mine
Snap Lake-4 in the Northwest Territories
should begin production in 2007.

The Jericho-3 mine is located near the north end of Contwoyto Lake in West Kitikmeot
Nunavut Territory (NT). It is operated by the Tahera Diamond Corporation
which has been exploring for diamonds in Nunavut for the past seven years. Operations will commence with an open pit mine
and despite the harsh climate
it is planned to operate year-round. It is currently projected that the mine and processing plant will have an 8-year life and employ a total of approximately 125 to 175 employees and contractors.

The majority of shares in the Ekati mine (80%) are owned by the Australian mining conglomerate BHP Billton. The remaining 20% are owned by prospectors Charles Fipke and Stewart Blusson. The Ekati Diamond Mine is the only diamond mine owned by BHP Billiton and produces nearly four per cent of current world diamond production by weight and six per cent by value. The mine is expected to be viable for 20 years.

The Diavik mine
located about 300 km (180 miles) north of Yellowknife
is owned by Britain's Rio Tinto PLC (60 per cent) and Toronto-based Aber Diamond Corp. (40 per cent). It employs 700 workers and produces 8
carats annually for total sales of $100
Cdn. The area was first surveyed in 1992
construction began in 2001
and diamond production started in 2003. It provides approximately 5% of world diamond production. The mine is also expected to remain in operation for 20 years.

The Snap Lake mine
owned by DeBeers and operated by DeBeers and AMEC consultants
is starting this year and is expected to remain in production for 20 more years. This mine is located under a lake and will be the first entirely underground diamond mine in Canada. DeBeers also owns the Victor mine
an open-pit diamond mine in a remote area in the James Bay Lowlands of Northern Ontario
approximately 90 km west of the coastal community of Attawapiskat.

Canada's diamond industry has a world reputation for both quality and integrity. In recent years
there have been ethical problems with African diamonds
which can originate in unstable countries such as Sierra Leone and Angola where diamond sales fund terrorism
war and weapons sales. Canadian diamonds are traceable
as each one is etched on the girdle with a serial number as well as a microscopic Canadian logo such as a maple leaf or a polar bear as a trademark. The pictorial logos vary with the companies selling the diamonds.

Canadian diamonds
especially those from the Ekati mine
are high quality and extremely white. They're also fashionable
which was demonstrated when the Canadian teen singer Avril Lavigne attended the 2003 MTV Awards in New York wearing Canadian diamonds worth $50

The mines provide high-income jobs with an average salary of $63
many of them permanent
not just the temporary make-work projects for which the Aboriginal communities of the Canadian north are well known. Almost 40% of the jobs are done by aboriginals. For instance
one diamond-cutting operation in the Northwest Territories is majority-owned by the Yellowknife Dene First Nation.

Some of the more specialized jobs
such as diamond cutting
are done by professionals from Armenia
China and Vietnam who earn salaries of more than $100
Many of the diamonds are cut and polished in facilities in Vancouver
Montreal and Matane
Quebec. Between 1998 and 2001
employment in the diamond mining industry in the North increased from 90 to 700 workers
with estimates of more than 2
jobs currently. Another 2
jobs are created in support industries for the mines and their workers. Diamond mining produces more than just diamond sales. It also funds many other activities such as construction
Arctic and sub-Arctic surveying and engineering projects.

Diamond fever in Canada's north shows no signs of abating
and an article in the Toronto Globe and Mail in February 2004 reported that prospecting companies have laid claim to more than 70 million acres in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. The newspaper said the most dramatic increase in diamond prospecting is in Nunavut
where the number of prospecting permits grew to 1
in 2004 from just 190 in 2003.

Starting on Dec. 1
companies were given one month to apply for prospecting permits
resulting in long
round-the-clock lines at offices in Yellowknife and Iqaluit. There is a charge of 10 cents an acre to register a claim
$1.50 to $2 an acre to stake a claim. With 70 million acres involved
the cost of these claims is expected to generate up to $140
in government revenue even before the mines open. Prospectors desperate to finish filing their claims have even been known to drop claim stakes from helicopters in poorly-accessible areas.

An economic boom is occurring in the north as tradesmen move into the area to fill jobs in the mines. This has raised the cost of living in the north
which was high to begin with due to the cost of transporting food and other necessities to isolated northern communities. In such places as Yellowknife
a basement apartment can rent for as high as $1
a month.

In 1998
Yellowknife Mayor Dave Lowell said that the diamond rush might have saved his town from economic decline. "Quite simply
it is our future
Lowell said.
We'd be going into quite a recession if it wasn't for the diamond mine."
read more “Get Your Canadian Diamonds Here Today”
