Article for Women Issues

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If you’re planning to return to work after your baby is born
you may be concerned about managing both effectively. It is a time consuming choice
but many women do continue nursing even after they go back to work. And
in spite of the amount of time and dedication it requires
most women who have tried it
have been happy that they did. Here are some tips to help you manage the two successfully.

decide how you’re going to feed baby while you’re away. Some women have the caretaker feed the baby formula; others express breast milk for use while they are away. Either way
you’ll need to get your baby used to drinking from a bottle. At about six weeks old
introduce at least one bottle a day
filled with breast milk or formula
depending upon which you plan to use when you go back to work
at a time when you will be working later. Also
be sure to have someone else feed the bottle to the baby sometimes. This should help your baby get ready for the new routine.

Once you return to work
you’ll need to express milk at work for feeding to your baby the next day
if you plan to supplement with breast milk instead of formula. Be sure to figure out in advance where you’ll be able to nurse. Fortunately
more and more workplaces are creating private areas for nursing mothers. It’s also wise to freeze some breast milk before you go back to work
just in case you have a day at work that is so harried that you find yourself unable to nurse.

When you return to work
be prepared for some adjustment time for you and the baby. If possible
go back part time at first
to make this adjustment easier for both of you. And
if you can wait until baby is sixteen weeks old to go back
the adjustment to the feeding change will be even easier
because the breastfeeding routine will be better established.

There are many good reasons for continuing to breastfeed after returning to work. In addition to your baby’s continued nutritional benefit
you may also find that it’s easier to return to work knowing that you still have the close breastfeeding bond in the morning and evening. Take it slow
work out the kinks
and you and baby should be well on your way to a very rewarding situation.
