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Becoming a new mother is certainly one way to incorporate more exercise into your life! From lifting to bending to picking up items
to carrying – seems like you never have a chance to sit still now that your precious bundle has arrived!

you may be feeling the need to exercise to get back into shape after your pregnancy. There’s no need to join an expensive club
though. Start by exercising with your little one!

One of my favorite exercises when my niece was born was dancing with her. We swayed to Mozart
twirled to 50’s tunes
and rocked gently to lullabies. Consequently
I became fitter
and Sarah has learned to appreciate all kinds of music.

Simply lifting your baby up and down and saying the words
“up”…. “down” give your arms a mini workout and help your baby learn! That’s right! Talking and moving help increase baby’s IQ! So sing to your baby
tell him or her that you’re moving “left”

Purchase a sturdy stroller and take baby out for a walk each day. The fresh air will be beneficial to you both
and it’s another great way to introduce your child to the objects around the neighborhood. You do want to make sure your stroller doesn’t jiggle too much – it’s not much fun pushing a stroller and ending up with numb hands (like you’re pushing a lawn mower!). A quality stroller will help you want to go for more walks with baby!

As your baby grows
he’ll mimic your movements. This is a fun time to incorporate some silly movement games into your “exercise” session. Watching her trying to do exactly what you do brings tears of joy and much laughter!

As you can see
exercising with a baby is not only possible
but loads of fun as well. It’s a time to bond
and take care of yourself and your little one. One day soon you’ll be telling your school age child about all the fun you both had exercising together when he was a baby. And yes
it will happen quicker than you ever dreamed!
