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Menopause results in many physical changes in a woman’s body. There is a rapid hair loss menopause due to changes in the hormonal levels in the woman’s body. The female hormone estrogen balances out the effects of androgens like DHT. After menopause estrogen
production reduces. Testosterone in the woman’s body combines with an enzyme to produce DHT that causes hair loss menopause.

One way to combat hair loss menopause is to eat food that is more nutritious. A woman must eat green leafy vegetables that contain vitamins
zinc and copper. Intake of vitamin C
B and E in food promotes hair growth. One must eat herbs
as fennel seeds that are a good source of vitamin C. Citrus fruits are a good source of vitamin C. However
there must be a proper balance between vitamin C
zinc and copper intake. An increase in vitamin C and zinc inhibits absorption of copper and vice versa.

Another way to minimize hair loss menopause is to condition hair with natural products like henna. This gives natural color to the hair and is a good conditioner. One must use fewer chemicals in washing hair and change shampoos frequently. It is advisable to let hair dry naturally rather than using a hair dryer for the same.

Women must use a hairbrush to comb wet hair. This avoids breakage and thus reduces hair loss menopause. Women who swim must avoid exposure to chlorinated water. For this
they must wear a cap while swimming and use chlorine filter to filter the water during a shower.

Amino acids promote the growth of scalp hair. However
menopause occurs with aging when the body absorbs less amino acid. Therefore
women must take high sulfur content foods that contain amino acids
like eggs. Those allergic to eggs can consume sulfur in the form of a supplement that is available at all pharmacists. These diet modifications can greatly reduce hair loss menopause.

One can adopt measures to slow down hair loss menopause. This includes stimulating the scalp with a massage or simply running one’s fingers through one’s scalp. This stimulates blood flow and promotes hair growth.

Hair loss menopause greatly affects women’s self-esteem and confidence. This is because there is a change in their physical appearance with growing age. A good haircut that gives a fuller appearance to the hair is compulsory for such women.

Hair loss menopause is a natural phenomenon that is nonreversible. Changes in one’s diet and a stress on natural ingredients in hair maintenance can greatly prolong the life of one’s hair. One can take medication like propecia for hair growth or go for a hair transplant to get a new crop of hair. However
these treatments are long-term and costly. Therefore
one must weigh the risks and payoffs of every treatment before selecting the best solution for hair loss menopause.
