Article for Women Issues

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Why Is It Difficult For Women To Build Big Muscles

"I don't want to workout lifting weights because I don't want to build big muscles " or "I just do aerobics and sit ups to lose weight because if I lift weights
I may build muscle and looked like a man."

Ladies. Have you made these comments before? Awww... c'mon ladies
if you have ever uttered these words
you have just done a terrible disservice to yourself and are missing out on many great benefits that working out with weights can give you. Have you ever pointed to your belly or butt and sweetly proclaimed
I want lose weight here.
So managed to convince yourself that sweating profusely is the answer to a slim and beautiful body and you hit the gym day in and day out just to sweat off your tummy or butt fats!

So you peddle away on your stationary bike in the gym just like little hamsters or frantically stepping away on the step up machine and then you woefully do crunches after crunches in the hope of having a flat belly and a well rounded shapely butt not realising that there is no such thing as spot reduction.

You never even bother take a look at the weight lifting machines or the free weights lying everywhere in the gym not to say even touching those weights. Gosh.this terrible myth of building big muscles on women is creating so much fear in women causing them never to train with weights at their detriment.

Ladies! If you are listening
I want to say this loud and clear. There is no way women will build big huge muscles unless you are on special supplementation and specially designed training system. Some of those muscle bound ladies you have seen may even be taking steroids which are banned and obviously harmful. never never touch steroids to build msucles.

So the
why is it difficult for women to nuild big muscles? Well
it is simply because you do not have enough of tetosterone
a male hormone that encourages your muscles to grow. In fact
women have ten to thirty times less of bodybuilding hormones
tetosterone than their male counterparts. Women who accept the myth that they will build big muscles if they workout with weights will miss out on all of the benefits that weightlifting and bodybuilding can offer. This myth is so ingrained in women's psyche that even after explaining the facts to my women clients
they are still afraid to lift weights. So will women who lift weights in their workouts build more muscle tissue? Yes
of course
but it will not be those big huge muscles like those of bodybuilders. Your muscles will just tone your body shape resulting in a tight
attractive and desirable body. The body shape that is ever so sexy and healthy. Yes
you may have noticed an increase in weight when you step on a scale. This is because muscles weigh more than fat. Thus
as you increase your muscle tissue
your weight will increase but your fats will be reduced giving you a well toned sexy body which most women can only dream of.

Muscle burn calories naturally even when you are sleeping. In fact
research has shown that for each kilo of muscle you build
you will burn 70-100 more calories per day. So
if you gain 2 kilos of muscle and lose 2 kilos of fat
you will burn about 75 more calories per kilo
which equates to burning 150 additional calories per day
which translates into 4200 additional calories per month and ultimately results in a fat or weight loss of 7-8 kilos a year without doing anything! One kilo is 2.2 pounds. Doesn't that sound great?

Another reason that women should do weightlifting is the benefit it can have on your bones. Weight training is a powerful preventive action against osteoporosis
a disease caused by porous bone and low bone density. Women has a much higher risk than men to suffer from osteoporosis. In fact
most women will suffer from this disease as they age. Those plagued with osteoporosis have an increased susceptibility to fractures. These fractures can even be fatal. So
women should exercise with weight to strengthen and increase bone density. Research has shown that six months of weightlifting may increase bone mineral density by as much as 15 percent. As you increase your muscle tissue
your bones must adapt to accommodate this increase in your muscle mass . So your bones respond by increasing in density. The result? You will own a stronger skeletal structure and a reduced risk for osteoporosis.

don't completely swear off weightlifting fearing that training with weights will build big muscles and turn you into an Incredible Hulk! You won't and you can't. Period.

OK girls
the weights are over there. Let's lift them now! Have the last laugh when your girl friends tell you that they don't want to lift weights and yet watching you transform your body that will make heads turn when you are in your bikini.
