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Men hate buying their own underwear. Single men tend to whiz into big departmental stores
grabbing the 3-pack underwear that are dyed in the dullest colors
hoping that the lady at the checkout counter is not young and pretty. When they have got a girlfriend or wife
the task is almost immediately delegated quickly to her. After all
she is the only one who sees.

But what happens underneath those clothes is very important to the women
which is why have put together some tips for women on how to choose the best underwear. The tips involve three simple steps which involves
working out what kind if guy you have
choosing the type of underwear and lastly
getting sufficient quantities the new style into the man’s drawer before explaining yourself.

First Step – What kind of man you are dealing with.
The first step involves working out what kind of man you have. Try using the following guide:

Ubermale – This guy is so concerned with his looks that he will take care of his own underwear and you can be sure that you can trust that it will look good on him. It is best to make sure that he does not end up out-dressing you in the underwear department. The best thing for this guy is to hand him a mens g-string so he can admire his own buttocks in a mirror.

Metrosexual man – He owns at least some form of facial cream and does enjoy shopping. It would be normal to see this guy wearing something from Zara or American Apparel. Trunks are the thing for this kind of man. He will be well aware that Calvin Klein have great looking trunks.

Family man – Spends most of his time with babies climbing all over him. Therefore something comfortable and easy are important like briefs. By the time he crawls into bed after putting the baby to sleep you won’t notice what he has on anyway.

Lad – This guy is busy down the local bar watching football
humming to songs as he showers in the football changing room. Best advice is too get him something that will not embarrass his mates at the club. Good old fashioned boxers are perfect for him and you can even choose to vary the material by buying something silkier.

Seond step – Ordering
A man will normally wear one pair of underwear for as long as possible without changing. It is pretty disgusting
therefore women should make sure he changes it and has at least 14 days worth of underwear supply. This way you can make sure he will get around to his washing every two weeks. However
if you want to make sure he washes his underwear more often
the solution is obvious
buy less underwear. A friend once bought a single three pack only.

Step three - Making the switch
tips on how to get rid of the old designs. The fastest way to is to use the direct approach. Dump the underwear in the trash on a garbage day. You really don’t want him rummaging in the trash can looking for them while cursing at you. Make sure his new underwear is placed exactly where the old ones would have been. If the colors match
the change in underwear type might even go unnoticed for a few days if you’re lucky.

Step four – Explaining yourself
When your man asks where his favorite underwear disappeared to
you can choose your how you want to explain the truth. It is easy to say the washing machine chewed it up or go straight for the clich้
“I prefer you without them” and them head for the hot rumble that follows
helping him get over the fact his favorite y-fronts have gone.
