Article for Women Issues

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A good night’s sleep may be elusive once women reach their 40’s and beyond. Fluctuating hormone levels
a mind that doesn’t turn off when you turn in
and getting up to use the bathroom all contribute to sleepless nights and yawn-filled days. If you’re tired of counting sheep when you should be snoozing
the following answers to sleep questions can help:

What can I do about night sweats?

In perimenopause and menopause
declining estrogen levels can cause hot flashes while you sleep
called night sweats. These can be relieved with hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
but because studies have linked long-term use of synthetic HRT to increased risk of serious illnesses
including breast cancer and heart disease
the latest recommendation is to use the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible time. (For complete study results go to Bioidentical hormones˜natural HRT--also keep night sweats at bay
but their long-term safety has not been well researched.

Some women swear by alternative remedies
including soy products (soy milk
soy nuts)
herbs such as black cohosh and dong quai
and vitamins B and E. Before you add more soy to your diet or try herbs
talk to your doctor. Soy and some herbs mimic estrogen
so their safety for use by women with breast cancer is questionable. In addition
the FDA does not regulate herbal supplements.

After a typically too-full day
how can I get my mind to stop racing and go to sleep?

It may help to get problems off your mind by writing them down before bedtime. You can also try learning a relaxation technique
such as meditation or progressive muscle relaxation (tensing and releasing all your muscles
starting at your feet and working up to your head). Listening to soft
slow music before bed may also ease you off to sleep; a recent study showed that it slows heart rate and breathing.

I get up to go to the bathroom two or three times a night. Help!

As we get older
the hormone system in the brain that normally suppresses the urge to urinate during sleep is disturbed. For some women
a few lifestyle changes solve the problem. Try limiting the amount of liquid you consume for 4-5 hours before bedtime
and steer clear of caffeine and alcohol late in the day. Don’t eat a large meal close to bedtime. And losing weight
if you’re overweight
will relieve pressure on your bladder. If these don’t solve the problem
talk to your doctor.

Will working out help me sleep better?

according to a recent study at Seattle’s Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
which found that women age 50-75 who started taking brisk walks for 30 minutes in the morning improved their ability to fall asleep at night by 70%. Working out in the afternoon is good
too. Just avoid exercise within three hours of bedtime
because it can make it harder to fall asleep.

My husband tells me I snore. How do I stop?

Snoring becomes more common in women after menopause. Try sleeping on your side or stomach instead of your back. To keep from rolling onto your back
sew a pocket into the back of your p.j.s and put a tennis ball in it. If your snoring is loud and persistent
interrupted by pauses in breathing
and your feel excessively sleepy during the day
you may have a more serious disorder called sleep apnea. Talk to your doctor
who can recommend lifestyle changes and other treatments that can get you (and your husband) back to sleep.

Might the problem be my bed?

Could be
especially if your mattress is over 10 years old. When mattress shopping
lie down on each mattress for at least 15 minutes in various sleeping positions
with your partner if you sleep with a partner. And play it safe: buy from a company that lets you sleep on the mattress at home and return it at no cost. Don’t forget your pillow. When you fold it in half
if it doesn’t spring open by itself
it’s time to replace it. Whether you prefer synthetic or down filling
go for comfort.

Sweet dreams!
