Article for Women Issues

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So many stray hairs
so little time to tweeze all of them! So goes the problem of every John and Jane who are not satisfied with some unsightly hair that grows in certain body parts.

People who get annoyed with their unsightly stray hairs do everything to get rid of them including painful tweezing and waxing and even threading. Others opt for the bleaching remedy to keep these unsightly hairs from being the center of anyone’s attention.

A person’s “hair-possibilities”
meaning the maximum number of hair gland cells you are going to have in your lifetime
is already determined from birth. This is the reason why people who have more or less hair should blame it on genetics.

Except for hairs located in a person’s head
lashes or eyebrows
the hair glands actually produced very thin hairs that are barely seen. As a person grows older
usually during and after the adolescent stage
he can find more hair growing in his body particularly in the underarm and in the genitals.

While men usually consider having lesser hair a problem
females find the growth of more hair particularly in their underarm
legs and face more problematic. For one
these stray hairs are not only unsightly but they also tend to project females who have them as more masculine. Women who have moustache-like hair on their upper lip sometimes resort to drastic measures to contain the hair growth.

There are various ways to temporarily stop hair growth like tweezing
threading and waxing. Some people associate new and thicker hair growths due to these processes. However
such belief is not true because hair growth is influenced by hormones and there is no way tweezing can induce more hair growth.

Waxing and threading can be expensive when you have it done in a beauty parlor. It can also be embarrassing for first-timers who have to expose all the stray hairs that have grown in the wrong places. A lot of do-it-yourself products are now available in the market to help vain men and women get rid of their unsightly hairy problems.

These products are easy to find and they can be bought without prescriptions in groceries and pharmacies. People can now choose from a variety of foam
cream or liquid hair removal products. Most are easy to apply except waxing products which require a certain level of experience and skill. For those who have the time and the budget
they can go to dermatologist clinics where they can avail of electrolysis and laser removal treatments.

Before undergoing these hair removal methods
you must make sure that the person who will do the procedure is a certified one and that the clinic has the necessary first aid supplies in case of burning. Hair removal methods are usually safe when performed by doctors but it is better to be cautious since there are people who really end up with burned legs after having their leg hairs removed.

Of course if you do not want to spend more or face the consequences of getting burned
you can still get rid of your unsightly hairs by resorting to the age-old technique of shaving.
