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Once I was surfing through the web and found a very interesting article about all popular superstitions that deal with hair. One of them especially sparked my interest. The author said that
despite of common belief
in no way possible can moon influence hair growth
because it simply cannot be
and that all this is granny’s tales.

of course
many of the scientists may lead you into long and dull calculations about how this influences that
and whether this influence is generally possible. But let’s look closer at this concept.

When I was at the high school
my teacher of physics showed us simple formula how one physical body influences other physical body. Of course
she was speaking about the planets and really huge bodies. But I can give you three reasons why this law is true for all existing physical bodies
no matter how small
or minuscule they are.

Reason #1: Everything in the World Is Interconnected

General science speaks that every part of the Universe is guided by some laws of existence
and that world is divided into parts that we see and that we can’t see. Moreover
every one of us knows that something small creates big.

In other words
all of us are made of particles that we can’t see
and the big world is made of small things the same way.

Now let’s think about this: if everything is guided by laws
and big world and small one are interconnected
then this leads to a conclusion that we are connected to the world
too and influenced by the general laws of its existence.

Reason one is proved.

Reason #2: Big Influences Small

Returning to my sweet teacher of physics
let’s look closer at the laws of the mutual influence.

Who said that we are not influenced by the planet
OR planets? For example
there are weather sensitive people
whose state of health depends on sunny or rainy weather and atmospheric pressure. People are small and the planet is huge
planet influences people
big influences small.

why does something that is generally and physically possible seem so impossible to the self-oriented humans?

Let’s assume reason two is proved

Reason #3: Stars Are Not Simply Dots in the Sky

This reason is my final argument for those who know that world goes round
but are not likely to believe it.

There is an astronomy and astrology. Each of these sciences deals with stars. One predicts the future
second studies movements of the planets. First science isn’t regarded by some of us as a science at all
second uses so many gadgets and technical devices
that almost all of us believe it. Of course
tabloid horoscopes do not add faith in the truthfulness of the predictions.

But do you know that ancient Arabs made long and complicated calculations that were written in separate huge books to get the right future forecast for the single person? These calculations usually took several weeks to finish; they required not only the exact date of your birth
but also exact day
even second of birth of your parents
some of the relatives
even strangers.

they took into account positions of the planets
the Sun
the Moon
the Earth itself. And these positions were calculated in the same way as they are calculated now by modern scientists
who use fast computers and latest gadgets.

as you see
once astrology was rather exact
complicated and demanding science that was later abused and misled.

Now we read horoscopes just for fun
and don’t know their true history and nature. To say more
astronomy takes its origin from the astrology
because first star charts and observations were brought from Arabian countries.

But I won’t say that stars influence our future. What I really want to say is that stars influence our health and state of mood by the magnetic and physical interconnection with the Earth
in its turn
influences us directly.

even if you do not believe that stars influence you
they do influence every part of the world you live in
and these parts
in their turn
have a certain impact on you.

Reason three is proved.

When it comes to the growth or fading of the Moon and its influence on hair growth
the existence of such is explained by firm and solid law of nature.

The Moon and the Earth are bound by the mutual attraction. High and low tides of the Ocean exist because the Moon approaches and moves away from the Earth in a six-hour cycle. The growth-fading lunar cycle has eight stages
and this cycle influences the Earth in the same way as the six-hour cycle does.

the Moon rotates around its axis
as well as around the Earth
along oval orbit
so there are points when the Moon is closer to the Earth and when the Moon is further from the Earth. It all moves us into complicated eight-staged ellipse lunar cycle.
Lunar cycle leads to the minor changes in the atmospheric pressure and the power of the Earth gravity. In its turn this affects animal and human health and behavior. For example
doctors report an increase in epileptic seizures and bleeding ulcers at the time of the full moon.
Gravity is one of the Earth’s strongest forces
so you can’t ignore the Moon.
If we now think more about certain similarities between natural world and human organism
we will see that plants and herbs grow better or worse according to the lunar cycle. Moreover
it is a common practice when coffee trader view chart of the winter full moon to plan their coffee sales. The connection between the full moon and plant growth is so well established that it affects investment patterns.

Hair growth is affected by the Moon in the same way
as anything else on the planet. When the gravity changes
state of your health changes
too. With the lower gravity
even if the change is so small that you don’t feel it
your hair grows slower. It happens in the beginning of the moon cycle and in the middle
on the full moon.

During the new moon and the old moon
the gravity is bigger
and the hair grows faster. Thus
the perfect time for visiting your stylist is on the 3-11th days of the moon cycle
as well as on17-24th days. Your hair will grow faster during these days.

Even if you do not believe all of the said
you can’t deny the influence of gravity on human organism. Thus
there really are certain connections and influences of the Moon on the hair growth.

There are only few reminding to those who expect miracles:
• Changes in Earth’s gravity are very small
so you shouldn’t expect fantastic results.
• If your stylist has a “heavy” hand and your hair doesn’t grow back in two weeks after hair cut
you shouldn’t expect a miraculous hair growth
• If your hair is in unhealthy condition
it will use any opportunity to revive itself first
and only then it will grow longer.
• My last reminding is that if you used to have short haircut
and now you’ve decided to grow your hair long
it will take time
doesn’t matter when you cut your hair
and who cuts it. Our hair grows only up to 5-7 mm per month
and this is a proven scientific fact.

whether or not you believe that the Moon and hair growth are connected
you would agree that as long as you live on the planet
you will feel
consciously or subconsciously
all changes and influences made by our planet and its counterparts.
