Article for Women Issues

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So many women these days face challenges with numerous breast problems
the most serious of which is breast cancer. It is estimated that as many as one in seven American women will have breast cancer in their lifetime. In addition to certain nutritional and lifestyle modifications
there are numerous Chinese herbs which can improve the health of the breast and which may help to prevent the development of breast cancer.

First of all
let’s talk about some basic lifestyle suggestions for maintaining breast health. Deodorants and anti-perspirants that are used in the area of the armpit need to be free of aluminum based ingredients. There are a large number of lymph nodes in the area of the armpit that branch out towards the breast. Many potential toxins
including aluminum
may be absorbed into this region through the skin. It is also important to wear bras that are not too tight
because this can inhibit the flow of lymph as well as blood circulation in this area. Underwire bras may be particularly bad for this reason. Sports bras and other bras that are made of more flexible material can be much better for allowing proper circulation in the area of the breasts.

In Chinese medicine
the functioning of the Liver has a great deal of influence over the health of the breasts. The Liver is adversely influenced by stress and abuse
and by nutritional and environmental toxins. Therefore
in order to maintain proper breast health
it is important to reduce or to manage stress in a healthy way. It is also important to avoid emotionally toxic and abusive situations. It is also important to reduce contact with toxic substances in our personal environment. Drinking purified water or spring water
eating pesticide free fruits and vegetables
eating hormone free meat
and avoiding harsh chemicals
dyes and perfumes can all help by preventing carcinogenic substances from entering the body in the first place. Having a lot of indoor plants can also help to significantly reduce indoor air pollution. The breasts are predominantly composed of fatty tissue which can easily store all sorts of toxins which can eventually become carcinogenic over time.

One herb which can be useful for maintaining breast health is dandelion
or pugongying. Dandelion is an excellent herb for detoxifying the breasts. It is also useful for breast abscesses. Fresh dandelion greens can be mashed and applied topically as a poultice up to three times daily for breast abscesses. This herb is also good taken internally for detoxifying the liver.

For fibrocystic breasts
the herb
vitex agnus castus
or manjingzi
can be very helpful over time. Taken regularly over four to six months it may eliminate fibrocystic breast problems. The Chinese herbal formula
Free and Easy Wanderer
or Xiao Yao Wan
can also be used for fibrocystic breast conditions.

Some Chinese herbs which have been shown to have anti-cancer effects in the area of the breasts are Chinese rhubarb
or dahuang
and oldenlandia
or baihuasheshecao. Chinese rhubarb is a strong laxative
and should only be used under the supervision of a skilled practitioner. Oldenlandia has been shown in recent Chinese research to have anti-tumor effects on many different types of cancers
including breast cancer.

Chinese herbs can be used to promote lactation for breastfeeding or to stop lactation after a child is weaned.

Acupuncture can also be used in the treatment of fibrocystic breasts and chronic mastitis.

In order to prevent serious issues from arising
it is important for every woman to get examined regularly and to give themselves regular self-examinations. It is important to always get a proper diagnosis for any breast problems from your physician. Nevertheless
Chinese herbs and acupuncture can both be useful for maintaining breast health.
