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For moms who work from home
balancing the home and business sides of their lives can feel downright impossible
especially when the reason they began working from home was so they could spend more time with family. However
many home businesses actually fail because moms don’t manage to balance business and home life. How can you juggle your family’s needs
your business needs and occasionally find some time for your needs without being a super hero?

The first thing any mom should do to achieve balance is to get the family involved. If your children and husband support you
you will find that they interrupt less often and are more likely to pitch in to get household chores done. You’re probably thinking that will happen the day the moon turns to blue cheese
right? However
if you mention that you need to get a major project done and will be able to buy a pizza and rent a video when you are paid
you may be surprised at how quickly everyone pitches in to help out.

If you have young children
they may not be able to understand the concept of waiting for a reward. To get your younger children involved
try explaining what you are doing in very simple terms and having them help you. Set up a small desk or table for your toddlers and add crayons and paper so they can help you with your work by drawing some pictures or writing a letter. Children that are a bit older can put stamps on envelopes and seal them
paperclip papers together or do other simple organizational tasks.

Of course
no matter how supportive your family and friends are
they are not going to be happy if you work 15 hours a day. Make sure that you ask for uninterrupted time to do your job or run your business
but also make sure that you schedule time for your family and friends. While you are making up that schedule
don’t forget your significant other. If you sit at your computer all evening after the children are tucked away for the night
you may end up with some serious relationship issues!

Once your family and friends are involved and you’ve scheduled time for them in your life
it is time to consider a few ways to make the most of your valuable work time. While you may be tempted to work non-stop during the time you have dedicated to your business
you should actually try to take some breaks. Taking a half-hour walk or having lunch away from your desk can really help you recharge your mind and keeps your body from growing stiff and tired. When you sit back down
you can do so with a clearer view of your goals and fresh energy and focus.

don’t be afraid to make a “to do” list for your business. Write the four or five items you absolutely must do on your list and promise yourself that you will get them done before you visit your favorite forums or check your email. This can really help you get more work accomplished in less time.

although you may not have super powers
you can still have a home life
a business life and some time for yourself. The next time you are feeling overwhelmed
take a deep breath
ask your family for some help and try out a few of these great ideas for balancing your life.
