The never ending battle against the Media and it`s bogus idea of the "PERFECT WOMAN". *sigh*
Lately I have been studying the media
reading articles
watching news
and looking for anything that I can find to make me feel that there is still hope for our world. If you have read any of my past blogs
then you will already know where my concerns lie.
For those of you that are just reading me for the first time
my concerns are strong regarding women of today and their search for the true identity of themselves.
Women today have fierce competition. I have spoken to many men also and they have strongly let me know that they would not trade their gender for any amount of money. They actually feel sorry for the women of today. A few of them even shared with me that they hate the fact that everywhere they look
the media's idea of
The Perfect Women
is stuck in their faces. Sure its nice to see
any human being will appreciate a nice looking picture. What happens at that very minute though is that they (the men) are put in a situation of feeling that they are betraying their partner by not knowing exactly how to react. I know
I know
some of you are thinking that it is the women's fault that the men think that way. I will agree in some cases
but these men that I have spoken to were being quite genuine in the fact that they themselves did not appreciate it.
I will be the first one to say yes to prostitution. Why? Because it keeps some of the damn rapists of the streets from attacking the unwilling women. I say yes to pornography; it keeps the men that are afraid to approach real women relieved of a very needed natural release. I also say yes to alcohol and to chocolate with ice cream
but my dear readers
before you frown on me for what I just said
hear me say this. "I do not condone the force and uncontrolled manor with which the media shoves all this down our throats. I thought this was a free country. When did we lose the right to choose whether we want to have the media's idea of
The Perfect Woman
shoved down our throats every time we turn on the television
walk into a bar
just drive down the road (billboards)
open a magazine
listen to a song
or even simply look in our teenagers room."
I was reading an article that was advertising the new television line ups for this falls season. I was horrified when I read about the graphic violence being used against women. Episodes showing a woman thrashing in a cage
with duct tape across her eyes
while a man's hands are shown grabbing her bloodied fingers through the bars of the cage and ripping off her fingernails. Another is chained up like a dog in a basement by her so called loving husband. It gets worse; there is also one with a woman paralyzed by venomous spider bites and is being raped by a masked figure. These are what society is allowing for after dinner viewing. I am embarrassed to even say that this is my world seeing this. They made more noise when Janet Jackson slipped a peak of her nipple at a damn football game. In a word...SAD!! The media has definitely figured out how to make money at every woman's expense.
On a much happier note
in my searching the worlds media I did find a very refreshing commercial put out by DOVE. It can be viewed at their website: . "Cheers Dove" is all I can say. Dove is pushing hard and continuing an uphill climb to bring back what was put on this earth as
The Real Women.
I also ran into an article trying to cut this refreshing change down. The magazine people that pride themselves on using air-brushed models with unrealistic looks
called the Dove girls in this commercial
. Ha! Now that is a very obvious show of defeat. They're even trying to say that women of today will not want to buy from ads that do not promise you unrealistic beauty. Ladies
the media is in fact calling you stupid as far as I read. I take that as an out right insult.
It's about time that someone stood up and gave the media's negative actions a run for their money. Money made at real women's expense
as I said already once. They also mention something as silly as women worry if they looked fat in their pants
as being an old age insecurity. DUH! No one ever said it was new
jeesh. I am also curious just how far women today are willing to let the media's idea of "The Perfect Woman" go. We are already the butt-end of the cosmetic surgery joke. I feel that the only reason any woman would be turned off by Dove's real women
is because they have been so brain washed into thinking that the media's idea of "The Perfect Women" is what is real. I feel sorry for them. Ladies of today
we must stand up and fight back. Do not let them turn
what is suppose to be real
into barbie dolls.
So many women are confused about what is
and what is not. Why do you think so many women suffer from low self-esteem
with cosmetic surgery at every street corner and so many unrealistic expectations coming to us from the media on how a women is suppose to look? Blah
blah. It's no wonder women are so confused.
Well I know that there is strength in numbers and I do know that there are more women today that are sick of all of the media's ideas. Ladies with low-self esteem
stand up
go to the store
and support DOVE. So what? They make money and yes
maybe there is a bit of truth that they too are using us as a way to profit. But at least we have a place to start to turn things around. We will never be able to turn them back
but we can make them work for us
not against us. Oh if anyone thinks that Dove has asked me
or payed me to speak of them in my blog
NO and NO. I am speaking on behalf of every women out there has been damaged by all the garbage that the media is trying to run our world with. Womens is happy to say that Dove is doing a very good thing
on the "real women" of today's behalf.
"Don't back down just to keep the peace
Standing up for your beliefs builds self-confidence and self-esteem."
-Oprah Winfrey
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