Most females in most species want 3 things.
Women want the best genes.
What are the best genes?
Well. It’s kind of complicated.
We can intuitively define best genes as genes that give us better potential to succeed.
While it’s true
it’s also true that all of us have huge potential to succeed. All of us are under achievers.
But let’s postpone the discussion for latter. Genes do matter. Different genes do give different capability. Some traits
among species
are so important it become common nowadays.
While your success on anything
including getting laid
depends on your choices rather than your genes
your genes still decide how you best achieve success.
Say Mary and Jane lived in the past. Say they were females Cheetah. Mary picks Bob the Slow. Jane picks John the Fastest.
Mary’s son will of course be slow. Slow Cheetah’s died. So Mary’s went extinct. Jane’s son will be fast. Fast Cheetah survives. So Jane’s genes proliferate.
After a while
all females Cheetah’s will be like Jane. Got it?
The same way works if Mary and Jane were human. If Mary pick Bob the poor and Jane pick John the rich. Mary’s son will not be good at making money. Jane’s son will be.
So Mary’s son will have few descendants. Jane’s son will have plenty. After a while
all women will be materialistic like Jane. That while
has come a thousands of years ago.
considering that factor alone
a male that want to mate with many females do not need to worry about how to attract females. Women want the best genes and will automagically pick males with the most potential to survive. That’s just one factor though.
Peacock’s elaborate tails do not help his survival. If anything
it reduces it by making the peacocks’ easier target for predators. But peahens like peacocks with long tails. Why?
That’s where the second factor is. That’s the factor of advertising. In advertising
appearance is sometimes more important than real quality. Hence
it is often worthy to sacrifice some real quality for better appearances of it.
After all
some genetic traits like beauty
has no other use besides signaling good genes.
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